
"When and where was it exactly you graduated from kindergarten?"

Why do people on here always refer to Europe as one Country?

It's... very complex. I don't need to tell you that Europe is a lot of different peoples, with huge differences among them. Italy definitely has something against immigrants, but I wouldn't be so certain it's about someone's race as much as it is about them "coming to steal their jobs". They treat Romanians very very

I love the justifications people make for eating some animals and not others.

How do you know they have self-awareness?

man how did they miss the PURRRRRFECT joke right at the end

My mom handed me Equal Rites about the time it came out in the US—she'd read the first two books, but that was the one she thought I'd like. And I did, though the increase in quality of Pratchett's later books means I don't like it quite so well as I once did.

Doesn't work for everyone, isn't very strong. Doesn't do a damn thing for my pain from rheumatoid arthritis.

Well, it'd be different if he was good looking. People like to be admired by other good looking people, not the unwashed masses.

Not practical for long term use. Tolerance mounts quickly.

"No, Stan, you don't understand. I have a disease. Daddy's very sick."

What if he thought she was someone he recognized and did a double take? What if he was looking back because he wasn't sure she had a visible badge?

Jump to conclusions/10

I still don't see it as a major problem. He spun around to look which is very awkward but that's all it is. He's not a creeper, pervert, or whatever else, just a guy who awkwardly turned around to look at a woman's butt. End of story.

Yeah! God forbid I still have to put a game disc in the tray for another ten years!

Only a real sucker would pay for "innovation" with their consumer rights.

seems fine, it like they are being interns.

Steam has never lowered their prices except for in sales and those sales only apply to games after a certain waiting period. What was said in the article is games could be cheaper when released. Steam games aren't cheaper than console ones on release. Also, there are ways around DRM. Eventually someone will find a way

No, what is being discussed is that with DRM games will be released at cheaper prices. That is not true. Games on Steam on their first day all the way up to probably a week or two after their release will be the $60 being argued here. What Kyle is trying to say that with Xbox One's DRM games would be coming out on day

  • You also would have started getting a better return on your "used" games—because a license does not have to be resold at a diminished rate.

Kyle, you're arguing that people should have taken a stick with no promise of a carrot in the future. Did Microsoft ever say anything about making games cheaper as a result of these policies? Anywhere? There is no reason for anyone to have just accepted this DRM in exchange for the hope that maaaaaaaybe Microsoft will