These are Polish names btw. Gregory and Catherine.
These are Polish names btw. Gregory and Catherine.
Her first first world problem, how sweet.
Wouldn't you change your adopted children names if it would be something like Grzegorz and Katarzyna? Would you be even able to say it correctly?
60-120 is going to be more important on race track than 0-60. Also what's important there is really no much distinction in acceleration from 0 to 60 between super cars of today.
The point is, that it doesn't matter on roads if your car is accelerating to 60mph in 3.8, 3.9 or 4.5 it's still faster than anyone needs, so all these numbers can only be revelant on race track.
0-60 time depends on too many factors to be really important.
Who gives a crap about sprint from 0 to 60 mph anymore? In this class of cars 60-120 or 120-180 mph is important now.
UE is not saying how high exactly VAT has to be, if i'm not wrong it just can't be lower than 12%.
If Sony is saying that PS4 is going to be 499 Euro in Europe than it's price with all taxes, European law says that.
You're wrong, in Europe taxes are already in price, so it's going to be just 505$, same as xbone in USA.
So... Have you seen The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - The Beginning on YouTube? If you haven't, you definitely should, also Kotaku should write something about that.
Maybe they are going to sell xbone for 200$, maybe it's goind to be subsidies by tv companies, or something like that?
double post
All of them, that's half the fun.
Witold Mielniczek from Przemyśl Poland, not that difficult to find.
I hope that B.J. Blazkowicz means Błażej Jędrzej Blazkowicz.
During WWII died 6 million of Jews (half of them were Poles) and 3 million of non-jewish Poles, so does it really matters is he Polish/Jewish/Polish and Jewish? Also i suppose that there is less Polish game characters than Jewish.
I don't get all this fuss, there is like billion+1 articles like that about what women want in relationship, how man should act in relationship, and what's wrong with men in relationships.
So IPad mini 32GB with LTE is 559$ and Kindle 8.9 inch, 32GB with LTE is 499$, so tell me, how exactly Kindle 8.9 is the competition to the iPad 4 and not the iPad mini?