FIAT's never appeared on a Ferrari or any of their other brands though... not sure why they would start now. Even the look and color palette of their FCA logo looks very much like the target audience is the stock market not the consumer market.
FIAT's never appeared on a Ferrari or any of their other brands though... not sure why they would start now. Even the look and color palette of their FCA logo looks very much like the target audience is the stock market not the consumer market.
They maybe common, but an opinion should be labeled an opinion, and an ad should be labeled an ad.
Let's be honest though, if America had paid maternity leave we'd all be afraid to take it since our employer would go out of their way to find a way to fire us as soon as we got pregnant.
agreed. but i just don't see what the big deal is or why this is being turned into another gender war thing. i've had to ask women to remove their purse from the seat next to them so i could sit down as well. and to be honest, i've been the woman with the purse on the seat next to me as well, though i always remove my…
The woman who runs this blog apparently views men taking up more than one seat of space at any time regardless of circumstances as waging some kind of subconscious gender warfare on women who (legitimate point, this) are taught from day one to shrink into themselves rather than assert their presence anywhere.
I honestly have no idea what the hell you are talking about. I don't go around judging people so hyperactively as to attribute personality traits upon them, regardless of their gender, based on their posture while seated on the subway.
See... umm... what? You can't see anything.
"It's not that he's squeezing out someone next to him, it's the psychology behind his body language and how we perceive it"
But that isn't what is actually shown. What is shown is open space.
I mean, kind of, but that woman is also wearing a dress, and one that looks like it wouldn't allow her to splay her legs even if she wanted to. In addition to that, it appears as though the woman behind her has her purse on the seat next to her.
Yeah. No you're not.…
I know it's strange from the US perspective and its very limited lineup, but in Europe the V60 is available as a T3, T4, T5, T6, D2, D3, D4, D5 and the D6 plug-in hybrid. Out of those nine engine options only the D5 and D6 don't have a 4 cylinder engine. The letter+number combo is an easy way to show the hierarchy.
To be fair, I assume you're an adult now, since you have a husband. Child and spousal support laws (as well as custody laws) are wildly, wildly wildly different than they were back in the day (even if that day was like 1989).
Giving kids to a mentally unstable mother just because she is a mother would, in California,…
I don't quite get comments like yours. You're suggesting things the researchers should have done without knowing what they have done, alluding to the study in question not being valid.
Oh look. Another assumption about the young couple who are "yet" to have children, because these things are inevitable, AMIRITE?!?!?!
My husband and I don't have kids and have been married five years, together for 11. We can't afford any of these things and have long since stopped "partying", if we ever did that to begin with. I think we're happier having no kids because if we wanted them, we'd have to move back to Ohio, my husband would have to…
It's an observation, not a condemnation. No one is saying marriages with children must inherently be unhappier — the study is only dealing with outcomes, not causes. It's also not a statement about individuals — studies like this don't say YOU individually must be unhappy because you have children, because they refer…
Exactly—this kind of reminded me of when I worked at my college's Women's Center. The question we were most often asked was, Where's the men's center? And we were trained to say, EVERYWHERE ELSE ON CAMPUS.
As an automotive R&D engineer I don't think that the reasoning behind the certification is significant in the whole reason why we don't get certain cars in Europe, why you don't get certain in US and so on. It is far from the wonderland that one car can be sold all over the world except North America if there is a…