
I can answer this. It was a tax evasion scheme. If your house had no front steps it was technically still under construction and would be taxed slightly less. So basically some of my cousins houses were under construction for 10 years. As for different colours you may have been driving through Acadian areas. The flag

``...up-to-date on recommended vaccinations.`

I never realized that there was a line at 1900 but I would soooo read a book set in WWI, 1930's Josephine Baker in Paris etc.

Poor kid did that in Toronto and they shot him.

I loved Phantom but it lead me down some dark rabbit holes of other version of it. Like the 2 part TV mini series and this one by Brian De Palma - Phantom of the Paradise! A mix between Phantom and Faust. I loved it and still do.

I was just going to ask if that was Sarah Brightman.

Ha, My high school senior year field trip included a trip to Toronto and a night to see Les Mis. Imagine 25 hormonal 17 year old girls crammed into the bathroom bawling our eyes out at intermission. We had tons of little old ladies patting our tears dry and saying there there.

Ha! I’m 43 and will never buy underwear or jeans any where else. Sales staff are super nice in MTL.

Full story was that is was actually prescribed by their child’s doctor to give the baby almond milk !

Duck confit poutine with duck demi glace. All homemade except for the cheese. We're overachievers.

We had the same struggle here in Quebec with brasseries (local men only bars) so when they started to admit women in the 60's and 70's they would advertise it. In big letters (Bienvenue aux Dames = Ladies Welcome) These signs still exists too!

What do you mean this is the wrong Oscar? :-)

Yes! My dad worked as a line installer and would illegally run extra phone lines in people’s houses and give them old phones. It was a pain in the but to be in the basement and have to run up to the kitchen to answer.

I was regularly given a black magic marker to draw at my aunts house in the 70’s. It took them awhile to realize that my 5 year old self was not actually drawing but getting high off the fumes :-)

My cousin had the see and say. So much fun was had pushing the arrow to slow down or speed up. Cows are demonic at lower speeds!

All that is handpainted too. I saw them repairing some of the paintwork a few years ago.

Hey if you married in Notre Dame Montreal you better bring the game. By the way, that ceiling is handpainted. I saw them restoring portions of it a few years ago.

Naw, this was my game, Stop Thief. My cousins and I were obsessed! Drove our parents crazy too with the noise from the scanner :-)

I had my wisdom teeth removed right before Thanksgiving one year. And not any normal removal. They had to put me completely under in the hospital and have them surgically removed as some were coming in at extremely odd and dangerous angles that it would have been a 12 hour procedure in outpatient.