I started reading Gawker every day around 20 years ago when I still lived in NYC, probably more for the local gossip than anything else. When I moved to the other side of the world, it was one way I maintained a connection to “home” at the time.
I started reading Gawker every day around 20 years ago when I still lived in NYC, probably more for the local gossip than anything else. When I moved to the other side of the world, it was one way I maintained a connection to “home” at the time.
Look, I think Joe Jonas seems like a twerp, and his habitual demeanor reminds me more than anything of someone waking up from general anaesthesia, but let’s not take weird swipes at his height - that’s shitty.
It is all in his church. Sorry...”church.”
“She’s served her time with a short American”? Really? So we’re fine with straight-up bodyshaming now on this supposedly feminist website.
(TMZ also noted that Timberlake tried to comfort her by playing guitar while she was on the bathroom floor in tears. Buddy...a heating pad and some tea would have been more helpful.)
Aren’t there zillions of other drugs that increase the chances of miscarriage as a side effect?
You’re correct, and I’d like to know just how many celebrities *of any age* change diapers, get up in the middle of the night, etc. instead of hired help.
“29:28 - He’s in Becky’s basement?? And he pulled a loose match? Out of his bathrobe? And successfully lit it by striking it against a wall?? Did fire use to work differently?”
I don’t get it. Being Pro life while also claiming the solution is death of the rapist. Its complete bullshit.
Memories are strange things. The dictionary defines them as: the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences; A mental impression retained; a recollection: one’s earliest memories. The emphasis on “one’s earliest memories”…
SPOILER: it's one of the queer couples and they are *both* named Karen. 🤪
My money is on the mudflap girl of all vape flavors...strawberry.
Every person who asks “do you know who i am” ought to be put under a 72 hour psych hold, just to make sure they do in fact actually know who they are. No exceptions.
Not one single man cares how many calories she eats. This is all women-on-women crime.
I’ve always known I didn’t have kids and I feel the same way you did. I’m actually good with kids and I could have done it, if I’d had to, but it’s not what I would choose for myself.
This struck me as... profoundly delusional and kind of the embodiment of the very worst parts of today’s queer culture. You fell in love with a man, married him, decided to write a book about pioneering women in sports who largely happened to be gay. All good! Love that.
What an odd piece with a lot of ambiguity. Without more info, it sounds like the author married a cishet man knowing they were queer, and presumably with him knowing they were queer, and then the author resented that arrangement for not letting them be “queer” enough despite fully knowing that’s not how queerness…
Is there any particular reason that you frame your husband as being some type of horrible villain, simply for having the audacity to (presumably) fall in love with you and ask you to marry him? Because he doesnt seem to have done anything wrong here, and there are a multitude of ways you could have told this story…