
Never had that but I’m part french and we always had mayo with fries , and carrot sticks. I can see it sweetening up the broccoli though if it was bitter

Bit off topic or maybe not. My dad worked for a summer in a frozen pea factory at the end of the 50’s

I’d say in order. There is some character development over time.

I’m hoping for those caftans to at least be Lacroix!

I’m from Quebec and the rate in 2008 was 2.9 marriages per 1000 people. Common law is the norm and children are more likely than not to be born to common law couples. Most of my friends have gone this route and only a few are considering marriage now, about 10 - 15 years after they have been together. I think the

Or ‘Let me be devil’s advocate...’

Luckily I never bring things up when traveling. Unfortunately what goes down goes down very fast :-(

LOL, he tried! He’s tried in tea, drowning them in honey, baking it into foods. He stills gags over the taste :-)

I’m ok with it but the man insisted he could taste it.

Ah Amsterdam, where you can get high off of second hand smoke when the internet cafe is above the headshop. Where guys on bikes ride past asking ‘you want cocaine/ectasy?’ and not all mushrooms offered are of the magic kind.

Be prepared for the taste. Turned my husband off of eating ALL mushrooms for years. And yes, don’t eat 60 grams ;-)

But a lady always wears gloves (as long as they are not green). Lol. I really liked that other article as well.

Also, this is the only Item I really want and I know this will not be found or returned

I’m a stalk the return counter woman. After few days after there is buyer’s remorse and people who just can’t be bothered to sell on Ebay. I lay in wait at lunch and wait for the returns then approach the cashier and ask about it. I have gotten Lanvin dress and shoes, Jimmy Choo shoes, necklace and dress, and Victor

MP Jody Wilson Raybould, first aboriginal woman to hold Justice Minister and Attorney General post!

No Blush! Well if you have pale skin anyways. My mother in law had hers done and the flash just took all the colour out of her face, except for the two huge bright pink spots that were her blush. In her words, she looked like a two bit floozy.

Suspiria in all its Technicolour glory! Or really any Dario Argento movie.

I was eleven and mine grabbed my breasts and said that will bring em to the door. Grandmas are seriously creepy people.

Dahlings, only if it’s Crystahl! The Veuve just will not do.