
LOL. I live near a street full of bars. Hubby and my favorite pastime at 3 am is watching all the drunken antics and The Best are the hysterical drunken ladies. Watched one last night where he was trying to get her in a cab and she was hell bent on hitchhiking.

Chingnon in french is the word for a hairstyle. A low bun at the back for the head. So I was like Bun Chicken? Whats the deal. Now all I think of is Fuck Bun.

Oh god I remember those days. I was never so happy when I started the pill and realized NEVER AGAIN!

My grandmother always claimed that as things were opened down there so things could come out, things could go in and you could get infections.

How did she not trip over things and break a hip! I' m over 30 and live in an open loft and still manage to fall down half the time (ok, so maybe that wee whisky was a bit more than wee but still!)

minus the drugs and liquor of course ;-)

LOL. I use to work in Old Montreal and the sidewalks are really narrow.. because old. Tourists use to stand right in front of the door and block my way in or out so I would curse them out in french.

LOL. I bit my mom on the thigh once when I was 3 and she was on the phone. Never has a toddler flown so far and so fast across a room. I am a relatively stable adult so no harm done :-)

Upsidedown, gravity defying bow? Yup, only the queen.

This man's attitude belongs in the far far past. Just like his rotary phone.

Hugs to you :-( I'm in Montreal and yes, we do have issues but not as bad as some I have seen out west. We have a lot of Cree that come from north and get, I guess you can say lost and disconnected? There is a mobile service that passes around and gets their info and passes that on to their family if they want. Also

Don't disagree with you. But to say that no one cares?

Sorry bout that. Didn't mean to come off as raging but it is a sensitive topic for me. I meant 'white man' as a generalization. And yes, I am non-status. Glad to hear that you are helping out in a concrete manner though. Good luck to you.

OK. So you protest. You march around with placards and denounce the government. You denounce racism. So where are your concrete actions? What happens then? Hey look! I'm the white man saviour out to look after the natives by marching for a day. What are your concrete actions to make change happen? I am all for

You just said it yourself. A few posts ago. ...

Umm, wow. Most non native Canadians do care but rolling back the damage done to native culture from hundreds of years of systematic racism and atrocities is not going to happen overnight either. What you see in most government and police forces are the old wave of latent racism which hopefully will die out soon. As to

OMG that is hideous. I too worked at a bookstore and some of the stuff that came in. Ick, but this really takes the cake!

But Fabio wrote his own books! And he was on the cover!

They subsist on the dying hope of interns is the rumour.

Same here. We moved to a really nice place but still have all our old stuff because we can 'still get a few good years out of that sofa'. Most of our neighbours will change furniture at will just because it was not matching with their current decor theme O_o