
As someone who takes public transportation and needs to stand out in the cold waiting I cannot emphasis enough good boots. I make sure mine has an ample sole that keeps me at least an inch above the ground. The farther your foot is from that freezing cold ground the longer your feet will stay warm. I love my Pajars

Just watched an interesting PBS Documentary through Netflix on Hampton Court that dealt almost exclusively about Henry VIII and his wives.

Actually saw Stevie Wonder live at the Montreal Jazz fest one year. Last song, in front of a crowd of 300,000, in the rain at 23:00... Superstition. Was an awesome experience. All the above are a pale shade to the original.

The man's proposal to me? Hey, I just realized that if I die before you, my government pension is non-transferable. Maybe we should get married in case. I L.O.V.E. this man!

Just to let you know, the tongue eating parasite only affects something as small as a fish tongue, not an actual human one. And besides your chewing your food right? RIGHT?

No, stop now. You hipsters drinking my whiskey and bourbon have increased the prices! And now we are getting stuff that isn't even aged as long to fill your Hipster demands!

I always though Super Massive Black Hole by Muse would be a HUGE insulting mistake.

I have fallen in love with the wrong men over Patio Lanterns - Kim Mitchell and Harvest Moon - Neil Young. Never did fall in love over a rap song though - Funky Cold Medina anyone?

Benny Hill was a family favorite in our house :-) Now I can't get Yakity Sax out of my head

Everyone is racist and everyone at some point has said something racist. That is the human condition. If you are so perfect and have never had a racist thought then you can cast the first stone! Other than that I have to believe his apology is sincere and would have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Every email from my mother starts with the subject line 'JUST!!!!!' This is to tell me to get the car checked in case of a recall, to tell me about her going out of town, Aunt Mary's death, or new ways that margarine can kill you. I asked her why, she said it's because she JUST wants to tell me something O.o. Thank

LOL. Silently smug is not my dad. He loves to tell the story :-) Mom just rolls her eyes.

My mother got engaged when she was 16 (hey, it was the 50's) and broke it off. Her ex wouldn't take the ring back so she kept it until she married my dad. They had the diamonds extracted and the metal melted down to be incorporated into HIS WEDDING BAND! My Dad is wearing another man's engagement ring to my mom! I am

It always makes me tear up when I hear of people abusing the children or adults that are entrusted to their care.

I CAN haz hamburger!

My mother in law wants me to go see this with her on opening day.

I'm On Fire ... with that STD you gave me so ...Meet Me In the Middle... at that clinic down the street so it doesn't hurt like a ... Salted Wound.

I think she said it was for having the proper look (filling in the uniform correctly). Like Warners bra number 112 or something. Different bras would give you a different shape and since all stewardesses were suppose to have a certain look.... Also NO black underwear or anything lacy, that was not for LADIES! So to

My mother was a stewardess for about 10 years from the end of the 50's to the beginning of the 70's. Some of her later uniforms were really out thre. Her favorite though was the leopard print mini dress with cream nehru jacket (she flew charter flights from Montreal to Las Vegas at this point so ..yeah) A lot of the

Happened to friends of mine. Since she owned the apartment she kept the dog as they didn't want to move it from a place it was familiar with. Since they both do shift work, and are still on really good terms, he will go and walk and play with the dog while she is on shift and will take it while she is on holiday. Been