Miller is the most evil person in that administration, which I think we can all agree is really a high bar to meet. He also consistently wins (35 years and counting!) the Most Punchable Face on the Planet competition.
Miller is the most evil person in that administration, which I think we can all agree is really a high bar to meet. He also consistently wins (35 years and counting!) the Most Punchable Face on the Planet competition.
Gotta keep your eye on these ratfuckers all the time.
I am very happy to see this guy doing well and to read this story. I just wish it didn’t happen to be because he knew a billionaire who was willing to help personally.
“I’m not going to sit here and act like, playing the big victim card. But I mean, I was a victim in this as well,” he said.
There is absolutely no way that that description could be starred highly enough.
Okay, partially minority opinion here. I was okay with Dexter becoming a lumberjack. I don’t think that he deserved a happy ending, he was a serial killer and had done a ton of bad shit, even outside of his code. Now, everything else, yeah, it was crap.
Not Tiffany Hump?
Trump was always pig vomit. He just realized later that other people liked that and he could revel in/reveal his pig vomitousness to the world.
It’s a fantastic idea, but police unions (because they are horrible, fucking shit people) will scream and scream and scream that it is unfair to test cops. They have a tough job and might need something to unwind from their long day of violating the civil rights of POC.
Man, if he is worried about rain now, he must be really concerned about all the yellow rain that is going to fall on his grave.
I see another black woman who is being required to have literally superhuman patience to deal with a white man-baby whose parents apparently never taught him that other people have rights.
Except in this version, he would be the person who got shot, and then his killer would be praised and he would be remembered as a “bad dude.”
THANK YOU. I wondered about that as a kid. Seemed like it would be a really bumpy drive.
He would be great as Peter Grant in the tv adaptation of the Rivers of London series.
Thumbs up for monkey cum.
Holy shit, that would be awesome, but you have to fit Harriet Tubman in there too.
I went once with kids and feel that it helped me understand why Bin Laden hated America.
I think that it would be better if it came out that Oliver had made those plans (as he totally would) and that they were left behind in some hidden cache that he didn’t tell anyone about (as he totally would).
Best description of Lindsey Graham: “Lindsey Graham will go down in history as a bowl of cold boogers.”
Kuru is no laughing matter. Ha Ha. I’ve got my eye on you.