
Nobody listens to Zathras.

I assume that the Flash finale will be fixed by Barry running really fast.  The interesting possibility is that he fixes it by doing something incredibly stupid.  That would be a nice metamove.

It’s bits like that that make me want to see the original script.

I was thinking that it wasn’t the director, but I was too lazy to check.  I remember it being pretty sad.

I seem to remember that when Deep Impact came out there were rumors that the original script had been way better but it had been cut and changed by the studios. I have never seen the original script so I don’t know if this is true or not. I also remember that there were production issues due to the health of the

It it my firm conviction that when Prince strutted off the stage at the end of his solo he reached the (until then theoretical) peak cool. At that moment he was the coolest person who ever existed.

Maybe Joss Whedon somehow ruined Gal Gadot’s career by getting her in a movie with Armie Hammer.  Tenth dimensional chess bank shot!

THANK YOU!  I have felt this ever since it came out.  I don’t get the love.

Goddamn ratfuckers.

I was just about to look on the list to see where it was.  The fact that it is not there is just wrong.

Good lord.  And Oklahoma and Colorado connect.  They could be organizing.  

I was wondering if I was going to have to go super-nerd on this comment, but thankfully you did it instead.   Cause we can’t have someone on the Internet be wrong.

Okay. Want to see something that will drop your jaw?

Why did he not get his ass beat?

No.  I want to see Glenn Close’s take.  She can do anything.

Beyond just giving out links to basic information, I am not sure I see the upside to Twitter. 

I don’t do any of the stuff that they recommend in this article and the damn thing still won’t die.  Screw lawns.

Just to be a little contrary, but I always heard that the word “barbecue” came from an Arawak Indian word:

That is an interesting idea.

I think of the owner and the only phrase that comes to mind is “What a monstrous cunt.”