
Although not woman-led exactly, I have to give a shout out to the awesome Legend of Fong Sai Yuk, starring Jet Li as Fong Sai Yuk, and his absolutely, completely, badass mother, Miu Chui-fa played by Josephine Siao. She completely stole that movie, and that was with Jet Li as a superhuman youngster.

Sexy eunuch! Sexy galley slave!

This was the very first thing I thought of when I saw that picture and was going to say it, but I see that someone has already beaten me to the punch AND provided a picture. The Internet is an amazing thing. Now I am trying to think of other historic sexy costumes.

The big problem with Southwest is that now you can pay extra to go first, which I feel is completely against the whole Southwest philosophy and fuck those people. Ride an airline with assigned seats if you can handle the chaos.

Might be heretical, but I think I prefer the Jet Li version: Fist of Legend.

The worst part is that Gargamel never succeeded in eating the Smurfs. It would have been a much better cartoon if he had.

Eat to the left. Drink to the right. So if you are at a dinner you will always know which is your food and which is your drink. My grandmother taught me that and my cousins and I agree that it is a fantastically handy and easy to remember piece of advice.

As a dad, I think that those dads were assholes.

You can do this with an extension in Chrome and Firefox. Same kind of thing as TinEye. I use them both quite a bit. Some times one hits over the other.

That's Taft, not Teddy.

Or just replace your shoelaces with laces cut from old innertubes that any bike store will have lying around. Boom, slipons.

I guess the Batmobile Tumbler is too mundane.

I use cartridges but I was taught a small little hack that is seeming to work for me. There is a gizmo that is basically a block of silicone that advertises itself as a stropper for blades. The idea is you push the blade up the block to straighten out the thin edge of the blade that gets bent with use. I was about

I hate you so much for making me laugh at this.

Does the TARDIS count? Because if so, all the others are second.

Thank you Annalee for the second-best movie review line that I have ever seen: "moving action figures around on top of a Williams Sonoma catalogue". It is behind only "if Pottery Barn had a rave on the Planet of the Gay Apes" used to describe the dance scene in the second Matrix movie.

Sure glad you put that Exorcist III scene in there. I remember watching that movie in the theater and myself and three other 20 something guys almost crapped our pants at that point.

Still watching because Arrow is obviously the lovechild of Dexter and My Name is Earl, and I like both those shows.

I like the cucumber. It looks like it is having a three-way slap fight.