A jump box; LOL. Ok, go ahead- see if it’ll turn over. Go on. I want to see this. What’s that? Yes; of course I’ll hold your beer.
A jump box; LOL. Ok, go ahead- see if it’ll turn over. Go on. I want to see this. What’s that? Yes; of course I’ll hold your beer.
This is an emotionally inflamed moment. It would be inappropriate to talk about doing nothing now. We’ll take this up in a few months and do nothing then.
Ugh millennials think they invented everything.
This is sad, but diet frosted lemonade? If you're going to be put to death...shouldn't you just be like, fuck it, I'll just have the calories?
More like Goodbyemen.
It was an out of place comment to make, yes. I realize that now and regret it. I wasn’t trying to be condescending or judgmental. Just wanted to give a recommendation as I often wish that I had known about menstrual cups sooner.
Uh because she was condescending as shit? Don’t tell women what to put in their vaginas to soak up their menstrual blood EVER.
If you’re a teenager and forget your DivaCup, though…Like, it’d be great if they also stocked Softcup menstrual cups, but I don’t think most teens are ready for reusable cups that need to be washed out and boiled between uses.
Mind your own vagina, please.
It seems especially out of place on an article that’s specifically about young girls in public places, who are going to have more trouble disposing of blood and some of whom might face considerable difficulty with insertion because their bodies aren’t grown yet.
They are certainly expensive, and not the most environmentally friendly choice, but not everyone can use a menstrual cup. I tried, and it was difficult to put in, and painful to take out. It just doesn’t work for some people. Some people can’t justify spending $20 to find out if they like it or not. Some people are…
Teens at the High School for Arts and Business in Corona, Queens, won’t ever have to worry if they forget to bring a…
My two shelter mutts thank you for your service! <3
I’d consider him a solid 9.5 in terms of punchability.
woman does thing, is happy. society burns.
Is he saying his 9/11 cakes were an inside job?
And then your friend heard him terminated the engagement and joined you in firing him to pluto in a bucket, yes?
That's not what I said at all. I said that having money objectively makes many aspects of life easier, and to pretend otherwise is insulting to people struggling with boredom/loneliness on top of not having a house.