Megan W.


A four month old baby absolutely needs ear protection. Doesn't matter what kind of concert. Nursing in public, I've got no problem with that, but without ear protection at a concert baby's hearing can be irreversibly harmed.

Was the baby peacefully sleeping or breast feeding?

The great thing about Jalopnik is that it's always been a compelling mix of what it is and what it does - both product and, for lack of a less heinous term, lifestyle. But it's always been about the core of the auto-cult experience and the search for some sort of truth therein.

OMG OMG OMG. *jumps up and down*

How to get into motorcycles 101. A series on getting your motorcycle license, picking out gear and a first bike, basic maintenance, etc..

And when they get delivered, they have the wrong girl's name written on the card.

"Inspired by the music of Robin Thicke...." So I'm thinking three hand-picked dandelions in one of those empty mini plastic wine bottles? One of the flowers has to be a little droopy, though.


Because you're always on our lawns! With your smarty phones and your eye pads and your fancy coffee drinks we can't pronounce. Damn whippersnappers. My walker doesn't have blue tooth!

You guys, I literally think I have a problem.

You know, if you have spiders it might mean you have some bugs that the spiders are eating. So maybe try getting rid of the bugs first.

It's easy to remove though, so if 3 years in you change your mind, quick appointment, little cough, and it's out. There is a second hormonal option from the same manufacturer called Skyla which is smaller and only good for 3 years. Might be a better option. I would say if it's the right method for you, even if

I got my Mirena at 21. I love it. Everyone made it seem like the insertion was going to be The Worst Pain Ever, but if anything it was more uncomfortable than painful. I have had zero problems and I don't have to worry about it again until I am 26. I also no longer get my period.

Charge her with attempted murder; the kids could have brain damage from being cooked alive.

I am humbled by the opportunity, but will continue weeping into my cats. Er. Ice cream.

Any background check would show evidence of this — whether it be liens on her property, court filings, etc. Hiring a caretaker for your children without a background check? That's reckless. They are victims of their recklessness.

This family did a really terrible job in hiring their nanny. How could they not have done sufficient background checks, before having someone *move into their home*, that they didn't know she was a serial litigant? This seems like it could have easily been avoided with a little more effort in hiring than "you seem