Megan W.

I would buy the shit out of these. And as a fan of all the female GI Joes, I would have been all over these as a kid. YUP YUP.

I blame homeopathy and the pushers of "natural" b.s. more than I do vegans.

Same here. These are the idiots that give us a bad name.

I don't blame vegans for this one. I blame Florida.

Thank you. Like it's not enough of a struggle already to seem like a Non-Morrissey, reasonable vegan.

I'm vegan, I love it. Assholes like this make us all look bad.

All I read was how she tried to delay potty training and my brain had a spasm

this is sooooo freaking romantic

possibly a line of children's books?

They were fresh out of giving a shit.

Just trying to stick with the theme. No need to get all Facebook balls on me.

Yes, by MAILING it. overnight then?

So if I went to get my picture taken with a full beard and a full head of hair and then immediately after the picture was taken went home and shaved my head and beard I would be in violation of this policy?

Uh, every bit of this bananas. 6 pregnancy tests?? SIX? And nothing?? And then the fact that a 32 week old fetus ALREADY weighed 9 pounds?? How big would he have been if he'd gone full term?!

Two things I note from the original article:

I said "please".

Any old file organizer will do - this one is from Amazon, but it's pricier than I remembered mine to be (and it's not the one I have.) I picked mine up at a Target or Ikea, for less than $10, so I imagine you can find one easily too. Either way - as long as it has complete pass-throughs from one side to the other and

I work with special needs people. Tons of us are in it because we love this line of work and want to help people, plenty of us are in it because this is an easy job to get, but there are a few sick, twisted fucks who want to work with a population that can be easy to exploit. I wish this particular sick, twisted fuck