BREAKING NEWS: Domestic violence is no more. Sources say that reports of domestic disputes have dropped to zero.
BREAKING NEWS: Domestic violence is no more. Sources say that reports of domestic disputes have dropped to zero.
I dream for the day when people look at a picture like this and give her the mother of the year award.
It makes no sense to compare what Brooks did with the people profiled in Weingarten's excellent piece. They are completely different scenarios, and it undercuts your argument to put them in the same league. Regardless, I have no problem whatsoever with what Brooks did. You don't need to "tell everyone it's totally OK…
On a ski trip with my friends, they made brownies. I'm like the only person in the world who doesn't smoke weed - not out of lack of desire - but because it's not legal and I'm too much of a pussy to find a source otherwise. Anyway, so this is my first experience with baked goods and probably really my first time…
I have a pre-prenup. I call it "standards."
Question, does "time" mean each orgasm or each masturbation session? Because that definitely changes things...
Noooooooooo! It's like dying only longer!!!
In news that shouldn't surprise anyone, the Utah school which claimed it photoshopped girls to show less skin in…
Losing ten pounds in two weeks is very unhealthy and unsustainable, and weight loss supplements are a load of crap. Give it a rest, spammer.
His sentence is being reviewed. It was illegal, because it is below the two year minimum.
"There is no place in the Montana judiciary for perpetuating the stereotype that women and girls are responsible for sexual crimes committed against them."
So what you're telling me is that in addition to walking with my keys between my knuckles I should be investigating hooks and electrical outlets in bathroom stalls and dressing rooms?
That genuinely helped.
I wonder what my opinion is titled.
There's a reason we have different standards for adults and children. We don't say a twelve year old should be treated as an adult if she has sex with an adult — no matter how much she "wanted" it, because we have decided that young children don't have the capacity to consent, or to sign contracts, or to rationalize…
Are spiders really that unusual and frightening to the rest of the world? Just calm down, wear sturdy gloves if you'd like, and release it somewhere it can mind its own business.
Once, the KKK stopped the Church for protesting a soldier's funeral, because we live in a weird fucking country.