Megan W.

Another hot tip for bigger boobs - get pregnant! I'm currently 7 months and jumped from a 30E to a 34G!

I believe 'Justice' is the one you are thinking of.

I was just telling my fiancé that we should use the rest of our wedding fund for this. The chance to meet LeVar and wear THE VISOR from TNG is a way better experience than a dumb wedding.

"feeling like no one attracted to you and people think you're a creep sucks."

If this was as difficult to assemble as it was to read, I hope you get some time off soon. That was downright chilling and you deserve some sort of medal.

He says the expulsion has made it impossible for him to start his job at a Wall Street firm

This caused me to have a Twitter meltdown yesterday. It is now confirmed verbally: conservatives believe that victims of gun violence are necessary collateral damage to their "right" to own personal firearms.

Thank you. I don't drink, in addition to not eating meat, so you can imagine the pressing need that total strangers often feel to make invasive comments about what I am putting in my mouth (like you, I generally don't bring it up unless specifically asked). As a woman in her late 30s, I also get to enjoy jaw-dropping

Where's the article for omnivores about how to be accomodating regarding their choices, respectful restaurant patrons, and gracious guests when in someone's home? As a vegetarian, I find that people are way more emotional and aggressive about their choices to eat meat than I have ever been about my choice not to.

People do love to classify don't they. I'd love to see people not being a total d*ck in general, but people will. Some of those comments could lead to an interesting discussion though as they are less attacks or snarks, and might have some legitimate questions. "How do you get protein" is a great one. I respond to

You order the vegetarian item on the menu? You pick the vegetarian option from the buffet? Your food looks different? Most people can figure it out if you are eating with them and some of them just can't let vegetarians or vegans eat in peace.

It's a nice thought, but you forgot the part about how the omnivores can be the real a-holes who won't let you eat your meal in peace. Maybe your next piece can be aimed at how omnivores can peacefully co-exist with vegetarians. Or it can suggest ways for vegetarians to deal with the 127,845th time they hear "MMmmmm,

I know it's heartless, but ... good.
Honestly, I feel bad for all these dogs that are clearly misused or untrained or abused, but regardless of what got them to the point of vicious, once vicious they need to be put down.

I honestly don't see why this is on Jalopnik, but this comment is an executive summary of what is wrong with our country's attitudes on male sexuality.

The guy shoots up 6 people, and the first thing you do is reference his sexual "status" in a way that acts like there is a problem with him being a virgin.

Answer this:

From now on everyone should please refer to my husband as my "consort," thanks.

where was this deal 4 days ago :( :(

Look on the bright side. You can use your nails to file your other nails.

It's all fun and games until you accidentally gnaw your fingernails off while eating Cheetos.

This... is neither fun nor happiness.