Man at first I was getting ready to cringe in horror at a tale of a woman with Way Too Many Kids, but instead, she's a surrogate. For free. That's.. kinda awesome. What a good way to deal with being hooked on pregnancy.
Man at first I was getting ready to cringe in horror at a tale of a woman with Way Too Many Kids, but instead, she's a surrogate. For free. That's.. kinda awesome. What a good way to deal with being hooked on pregnancy.
Thank you x1 million for this, Phoenix. Its been a rough few months for me - despite my efforts, I have gained a fair amount of weight so far in this, my first pregnancy. All the body acceptance I thought I had went out the window as my body has become almost unrecognizable. I quit running at the beginning of this…
Dude. What in the hell are you talking about? This is headline is nothing more than the absolute most specific description of exactly what happened. The LAPD. Is. Investigating. Justin Bieber. For an Attempted Robbery. I realize it's hella fun to go posting accusatory comments on blogs about 'CLICKBAIT BLAAAARGH'…
I do consider myself a feminist, in the sense that I believe in gender equality. I absolutely believe feminism and porn are compatible. Not synonymous, obviously, but definitely compatible. As a woman, I am doing what I want to do with my body- just as a man would, except he would be able to do it without the same…
I'm sure she maturely and reasonably accepts their decision to—HAHAHA sorry, couldn't finish. I'm sure they're not "real women" to her. Barf.
I don't care about her dildo antics, but that joke was offensive.
Wait, can we talk about the jokes she made about how she roofies people?
Does Miley Cyrus do anything but simulate fellatio?
Oh totally she did. I get pregnant as often as possible just to have an aspiration curretage abortion/pedi/mani.
I think this needs more mansplaining about how she doesn't have autonomy over her own body. Can someone link a couple hundred outraged screeds by angry white middle-aged men who want to control female sexuality?
"He wanted to break me and that's something he couldn't do. Because you can't break someone that's already been broken. You can only make them stronger."
Considering how many dogs are put down every day because they can't find homes, and looking at my little pup who was less than 24 hours from being put down when we adopted him, I can't help but harshly judge people who breed dogs and those who buy them. It just doesn't make sense.
I can't imagine voluntarily going to a wedding.
Isn't a relationship supposed to be between 2 consenting adults?
If only the comma was a semicolon, I'd agree.
There's a lot of unnecessary waste in his technique. The leaves have an edible part at their base - the part that is in contact with the heart. And it looks like he's wasting a part of the heart when removing the choke with his spoon.