People's christianity cycles. The down cycle is when you go to the bar and sex with a rando. The up cycle kicks in with the pregnancy diagnosis.
People's christianity cycles. The down cycle is when you go to the bar and sex with a rando. The up cycle kicks in with the pregnancy diagnosis.
I heard when he tees off, he shouts, "THIS MANY" to alert the players ahead of him.
There were some issues when Fang only vaguely pleased his girlfriend but failed to sexually satisfy Snoopy. Fang was forced to sleep on the couch while the girlfriend and Snoopy ate ice cream in bed and gossiped late into the night.
That's both abstinence-only and, you know, more thorough approaches, for the record.
Uh... do you have anything to back that up? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that's not true.
You are officially my favorite Jez author. Don't tell Rebecca.
The San Francisco Smart Car owners got revenge
Boys will be hammer-wielding boys, amiright??
Protective headgear? They should've never fallen asleep. Don't want to be attacked? Don't fall asleep!
They really shouldn't have been sleeping without protective headgear if they didn't want to be hit in the head by hammers. I mean, jesus, can you blame the poor guy? These horrible women, just lying around with uncovered heads, practically begging to be assaulted... when will women learn that attacking women with…
yeah, because vandalism is cool....
I don't care if you hate Smart cars, fucking with someone's car, especially when unprovoked, is bullshit. Let's not condone it.
It's about as funny as keying.
Well once it was no longer deemed a planet I heard property values took a real dive.
I love the Everyday Sexism Project, and I like this idea - but there's no guarantee that the guys who are the 'victims' here are the jerks who catcall, etc. What I'd like to see is a bunch of workers who are known, personally, for catcalling to be subjected to this at random and see how they react.
And not only today, but every day. Example:
The whole bible is an incorrect interpretation.
I love you.
Fixed it.