meteor scented____ followsthegreys

I was indeed. At least I’m fairly sure of it. If you don’t see this comment, I am banned. If you do see, I hope that you will respond<3

Hi. I mentioned your name in a thread last night. It was pretty messy. Now I think that was a very bad idea. I was simply saying to Poodletime that she was loved and supported by myself and then you.

It must be difficult to know where you are when you’re on Everyone’s side.

Haha! Mr Piggins. You seem EXTRAORDINARILY desperate for ‘something.’ You like that white gravy?

Oh fuck. We are all reeling...Which is why we should all just pay the players and do a proper English “knees-up” and dance our tears (and fears) into a corner.

hahahaha! Thank you, Good Commenter:)

To Learn what? WAS Lee brilliant? He was offered a what ? By whom?

Btw: I adore you galleta. The hatred in all of this can whirl around us like an angry storm. It will always be there for those who rip and tear. And I adore the thunder.

Haha! You cunt.

Two ‘credible’ new sites are a good start, but they’re both “white-meat - YET- love me somma that Dark, Rich Spicy” and I’m already sorry I said that (but they dandy up to luscious liberal readers with that “it’s OK. You’e fine if you’re a white dude with a “taste” for that”)

I would very much like to know “the point” too. I’m sorry, but I haven’t seen her name. Maybe we are both looking for what we seek most. I hope we are seeking the same thing.

Ha! You’re what, 20-late something? Your parents gave the nod to this kind of “silence.” Own it ‘cause they grown it.

You mean melt them down the way your parents and teachers have extinguished the horrors of your white racist history? I’m white too, but face it and own it.

Thank you. Mean Old “Hackers” are everywhere.. Ha! They probably rule the world (and maybe they should).

Bitch. I’m 50. Don’t talk to me about “texts.” I have read, absorbed, comprehended and folded (read ‘published’) into publications more “text” than you could ever hope to even comprehend - not to mention, staying up all night suffering what you have read.

Thank you very much. My edit failed. There have been so many unjust and cruelly untimely deaths, that I got a few “ages” confused. I feel like 32 was a momentous age for me. I grieve that she didn’t see it.

One of the nicest things about this site is making the acquaintance of folks we wouldn’t have otherwise, so back-atcha:)

Haha John Boehner. No one GAF about your username. I don’t drink, and I wouldn’t drink your male tears if I did. Get a life, dude. I’m guessing that your punching bags have women’s faces stapled onto them. Get a soft glove.

Oh I feel for you Meet. Money was everything. He hated poor people. And Indi is suffering even worse that Illinois. Stay in touch. I’m thinking of putting up a blog wherein folks can have a voice here - without getting tarred and feathered (cause - damn - GOSSIP is the most valuable currency). Tell me your stories

Drugstore Glasses. I know you. You were all up in everyone’s shit last night. That was a sad thing to see. If you’re on a bender get control. Otherwise, do us both a favor and ignore my comments, just as I have ignored yours.