meteor scented____ followsthegreys

I don’t think it’s a bad idea to let a few reminders of human atrocity remain. If we erase them we erase what they stood for, for what they did. If we burn, demolish, atomize all evidence of human cruelty/injustice, we will most certainly forget it. Then, AT WORST, we will repeat it. Put it in a museum with an

Edit: I did not see Heather’s name - only the “one left dead.’ So far, it is the only time I have seen it mention. But more than a mention is required.

I’m seeing a lot more measured and relevant discussion today than last night. But what I am NOT seeing is the name Heather Heyer in print. Just “Someone murdered.” And POC think they have no allies? She was only 20. She can’t eat your cookie or wear your gold star or get your letter of thanks in the mail. She was a 20

Yeah, it’s all bad. No, it’s Hell. But why doesn’t anyone want to print Heather Heyer’s name? Why is she just “someone?” She was white. She was an ally and she died for a cause. There are more of us who would do the same.

Has the research isolated male/female hormones as contributors?

Please. Don’t take this as a criticism because everyone is going there. But you raised a point. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘shut that shit down” because that just sounds like more violence - cop violence. Maybe one answer for the anti-protesters would have been, “go to the lake, to a private party, home to your

Thank you for saying her name. Some of the “associated blogs’ list her as “a murdered woman.” She has a name. Thanks.

Thank you very much for printing Heather Heyer’s name. All over “Some” of the associated Gizmodo/Jezebel blogs she is just “A woman who was murdered.”

Haha! You’re always on your knees. How’s that milk with Your cookie?

I don’t know about you, but I think it might be a step toward your own peace of mind to simply dismiss all of the haters. What they have said to you is inhumane. It is hate speech and it’s a form of violence. Never too late for the “dismiss” button - unless, of course, you prefer to let them show their rear-ends as

Lincoln was not even an abolitionist. When people’s deeper instincts suggest to them that Lincoln was completely indifferent to the pain of slavery but used slaves as a means to advance his power and influence, they are correct.

Hey Poodletime . You’ve been quiet today. Please don’t let last night get to you. You didn’t deserve that dragging. People don’t know what to do with their anger so they turn it against a group of people who are far more compassionate and empathetic than they clearly want to accept. It was uncalled for.

Haha! Look at my name all up in your mouth. For someone who doesn’t feel the need to educate, you sure ran your ass over here to school me.

Props to whoever was handling the video. Seriously, this looked like film verite, and I want a front seat.

That too.

This is supposed to be an example of a Renaissance painting (and I believe this girl is German), so who knows what that things is. I just think of all the things I could hide in there:

More like “barely there?”

They are at home, minding the trailer and watching their 5 kids who are all identical (and by identical I mean they look exactly like their parents....)


That is a terrible ‘composite’ of a Markle baby: Apparently here she will be as a teen