felonies ... inciting others to riot where there is property damage over $1,500.
felonies ... inciting others to riot where there is property damage over $1,500.
You do realize you can recognize corporations as amoral entities without being a Marxist, right? If you didn’t realize that - now you know. Placing restrictions on the degree to which profit-driven enterprises can influence civil institutions isn’t Communism, it’s common sense.
legislation that ensures no Texan is ever required to pay for a procedure that ends the life of an unborn child,
I refer to my sperm as my “unconceived and unborn children.” I have millions of pre-children. This seems perfectly normal, right?!? Also, Jeebus loves all my squiggly-tailed kids. I call the littlest one “scooter.” He’s awfully cute.
Point out to me where in my comments I said something racist. Or I can just say you’re racist too, which makes us even?
Especially the white woman who jumped in front of the car just so she could get her picture in the paper.
Reading comprehension. I didn’t say -me-, I said -plenty of people-. I’m mixed, I try not to harbor racial prejudices, and I don’t live in the States. I’m pointing out that the attitude of having a blanket disdain for people of a certain race - regardless of your own race - is a shitty attitude. Apply the golden rule…
My advice would be to not ask other people what you are allowed to do. You be you, eff everybody else who doesn’t like it.
THIS. There are rules for very important reasons, like keeping your own animals safe. I’m a vet and part of my job is making sure pets are approved to travel, which all my regular people clients are perfectly happy to do, so this really grinds my gears
I just saw your comment and want you to know - one ww Jewess to another - that I see you. I too was scared when Alex Jones said that the Charlottesville protesters were “Jewish actors.” Or when LGBTQ Jews carrying a rainbow-colored flag with a star of David were pushed out of a protest in Chicago. These are scary…
Each of the few times I’ve had to call on the cops for help, I’ve been harassed and threatened. Having light skin is not a shield against the police - it just reduces the chances you’ll be a victim of racist cops.
I think you’re a foolish any color if you think the color of your skin can protect you from police.
you’re a human being, yeah, you’re allowed to talk about it, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Eh. She was silent during the election and stays silent politically which I think is bullshit. I guess this is a step in the right direction but I find her deeply irritating, disingenuous, and saccharine. And I hate her music.
I also didn’t care for her one way or another, to me she seems really calculating in her self-promotion. This however, has revealed a maturity I would have seriously doubted a month ago. I still won’t be listening to her music, but I’ll scowl less at her People magazine covers in the grocery aisle.
This is the only solution right here. What these retards in the White Supremacist and Antifa groups want is for their voice to be heard. Don’t listen.
I am conflicted about #3
Worst dressed at this event: the irritating backdrop with magenta logo amoebae.
What’s up, Pokémons! Sunday was the 2017 Teen Choice Awards, a magical, YouTube star-studded evening where awards…