
1. In his decision, Sullivan said that Democrats can begin collecting evidence for the case on June 28th.

Oh, right, an endless game where you chase a dragon...

what kind of asshole does such a shitty thing!

True story. Just bought a Sony TV from a nearby Best Buy outlet, they only do open box but they’re virtually new products.

Oh yeah? If it’s true that being around something for a long time means that you’re an expert on it, then why is it I still have don’t have any idea how my wife’s g-spot works?

Plane crashes are a weird animal. On the one hand, they’re far more rare than car crashes, so much so that flight attendants over a lifetime have a job no more risky than anyone else. On the other hand, when the plane crashes, everybody dies. There’s no ambiguity about the survival rates. So, there’s this hindsight

Yeah I heard Teddy loved a bit of backdoor with the Asians 

Graphic: “a dick going into a butt, forever.”


No he’s not. Not yet, at least. Americans are being fucking morons about this. Republicans haven’t dismantled any safeguards against this shit. Americans just aren’t DEMANDING they be implemented. They’re clenching their pearls and fists and crying into styrofoam cups but aren’t doing JACK SHIT.

My 10th grade math teacher kept a ‘water’ bottle locked in his desk drawer, and one time passed out and started snoring while we took a test. If armed, man very well could have accidentally put a bullet in the first kid to wake him up and ask to go to the bathroom

Some of my high school teachers weren’t sober enough to drive. Arming them would have been terrifying.

The answer will be no because TPS reports now require a different cover page. Lindsay Graham did not get that memo.

Republicans realized 60+ years ago that the courts were going to give black citizens equal rights, and they began a campaign to pack all levels of the judiciary with rightwing kooks with big hair and reactionary views. Republicans realized 50 years ago that their kids were learning new ideas that made them question

Fair enough.  I was just thinking a different sort of bear....

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.”

On the other hand, a really rich guy with an axe to grind could file a libel lawsuit that costs a media company a lot of money and makes their lives difficult. Not that I have any examples in mind.

I feel like it’d be Ted trying to explain memes, first in general and then specific ones from like 2010, and just getting everything wrong. “See, it’s funny because cats HATE cheeseburgers!”

Heh heh, probably not the only package wildly exaggerated.