
MC Trump on the mic
gonna preside like
it’s the fourth reich

Ugh, he’s just the most disgusting human being. It doesn’t help that he’s working for Trump who is perhaps the most accurate personification of Mr. Oogie Boogie I have ever seen.

I am fairly certain that I could write a script that you could feed a list of nouns to that would spit out dialog that would be indiscernible from an authentic Trump transcript. 

Neither of those men deserve to be associated with that living KKK uniform made from human skin that is Bannon.


Because when he speaks, he barks- and when he barks he chews bees at you.

Now playing

It all depends if they got them made down at “Kizzinkos”:

It’s super fun seeing all the critical posts related to the tile staying it the greys.

It’s super fun seeing all the critical posts related to the tile staying it the greys.

That’s cool. I guess gets an actual armed insurrection. It’s a shame he’ll be facing the most intelligent and calculating portion of the population in this coming civil war.

I love how we live in a world where past behavior that would completely discount someone as a candidate for a position like this has to be muckraked. Then once it comes to light so we can all ineffectually watch as they are given said position regardless. :/

Did someone say room & fun?

I’ve always hated this too. Neural net processing is neat and all, but people keep on whipping out the term artificial intelligence like it’s something than a heuristic interpretation of weighted values.

I was fairly certain that the prop-news (that’s a new term I’m coining, short for propaganda news) was produced by amoral parasites and not extreme right wing nut-jobs.

Holy shit look at the price of that Hoodie.

Every time I see Paris Hilton, I always visualize a shoe that comes flying out of nowhere and hits her in the face.

No web-poll ?

Wow, I had no idea that Cubans had such limited access to the internet. It’s actually pretty mind blowing. I’m guessing there is a healthy market for wave guide antennas and access point repeaters.

I’m pretty sure that seals are AWD when they hit the water. It’s an important crossover distinction.

It’s just so beautiful. *cries*