
Hell, a prequel based on whatever he did in Leningrad would be one hell of a film. It'd even give a different actor the chance to get into the character's boots whilst giving them some latitude for their own performance.

If you watch to the end of the Kickstarter trailer, there is a nod to Initial-D, so I wouldn't be too surprised to see some Eurobeat show up.

History has proven you wrong. All it took America to give up liberties and go to war was 2 planes hitting the twin towers.

No, I think you misunderstand - I'm well aware that you were (yet again,) making an attack on my person, and not offering any real response to what I had to say. I was instead addressing the fact that you simply cannot do anything but insult those who "dare" disagree with you.

Perhaps you should go to Reddit, I hear

I'm not really sure how that's relevant to the topic at hand. Besides, I'm outside right now.

It's funny you're comparing myself to a "White Knight," when you yourself are doing the same thing for 'Crossy Street.' Perhap syou really cannot make a post without resorting to an ad hominem remark.

At no point did I say I agreed with the opinion shared by Berfince, in fact I find myself firmly within the same camp

Instead of offering insults, offer discussion. If you believe otherwise, tell us why, or don't say anything. As it is, you're contributing nothing.

What? Development on the Foxbat started around the same time as the Arrow, sure, but they were designed around totally different form/design factors.

Well, considering that Fidel has retired, and has been for well over half a decade? Nothing, I'd assume.

I've been teaching myself how to compose music for almost half a decade now, and have been a musician for longer (I've performed live in international music festivals.) I have my good days, and I have my bad days, but I can safely say that by pushing forward, you will never regret it. You'll struggle, and you'll hate

Crackdown. That's literally the reason they made it. It's also why the plot of the first one is paper thin - the point of the game is to mess around in a big city.

Sure a shame it's on Kickstarter, or I'd back it.

Honestly, I'm not really a fan. It looks too.... iFuturist. I fell in love with Halo's "evolved modern" aesthetic, with recognizably modern designs developed and modernized over a period of time, and this really looks to just toss it right out the window, and spit on the corpse. Putting these images up alongside

I get the sneaking suspicion somebody doesn't understand the concept of a budget. If I have $500 in the bank at the end of the month, would you assume I'm spending that amount of money all on food? Of course not. I'm clearly spending portions of each part on a different expense, like rent and utilities, based on what

One of these groups should be taken seriously. The other, is Scientology.

Indeed it is. The Soviets simply called it the R-36, or the 15A18 (that's the GRAU index number.)

What you fail to note is that none of Sänger's designs would have actually flown, even if constructed, as they were poorly designed to handle the heat, and would have simply burnt up during the continuous heating it underwent during flight.

Man, that face in the game rides a bullet train off the rails, and down into the deepest ravine at the very bottom of the Uncanny Valley.

Her face is pretty horrifying.

With that quantity of manliness being slung around? Clothing would be burnt off by the grumbling flames of pure vocal force anyway.