

All talk, no solution.

Where will I steal my canned air keyboard duster spray from now on?

No Scooter, no deal.


PLEASE NO!!!!!!!

They smell like Earthbound scratch and sniff stickers.

I didn't know you could shoot children in Sniper Elite?

I do tend to agree with you. But sometimes it's frustrating to watch them with a ripe franchise like Pokemon that has so much untapped potential. I mean, you could say that about a lot of their franchises, but I think we've seen a TON of fun deviations from the Mario formula and even the Zelda formula (less so in the

I'm glad you're cool with it because they're bleeding money.

"I still prefer Nintendo, the game-first, business-second[...]"

From the look of the laundry list all you want is old games. Nintendo is the company for you.

It's like he's a Canadian police officer.

I find it deeply amusing that someday, far in the future, Snake Plissken may be held up as this culture's Beowulf.

Escape from New York remake? I heard that was dead.

History has proven you wrong. All it took America to give up liberties and go to war was 2 planes hitting the twin towers.

The title for this article reminds me of Ray Bradbury for some reason. Maybe it's the rhythm of the language but the phrase "It's late Spring on Mars, and the Frost Hasn't Quite Melted Yet" sounds like it should have been a story from the Martian Chronicles.

I don't think anything major will happen, such as removing voting rights. It would take armed revolution that installed an autocratic government, which has happened in a few countries but "the west" has certain attitudes about individual rights and freedoms too entrenched to just do away with them. The big challenge

i'm typing this in one hand b/c i have yet to remove my other hand from my penis having read the penis entries recoiling in fear and relexively grabbing my penis to prevent anything from getting lodged in my urethra