All talk, no solution.
I didn't know you could shoot children in Sniper Elite?
I do tend to agree with you. But sometimes it's frustrating to watch them with a ripe franchise like Pokemon that has so much untapped potential. I mean, you could say that about a lot of their franchises, but I think we've seen a TON of fun deviations from the Mario formula and even the Zelda formula (less so in the…
I'm glad you're cool with it because they're bleeding money.
From the look of the laundry list all you want is old games. Nintendo is the company for you.
It's like he's a Canadian police officer.
i'm typing this in one hand b/c i have yet to remove my other hand from my penis having read the penis entries recoiling in fear and relexively grabbing my penis to prevent anything from getting lodged in my urethra
Instead of offering insults, offer discussion. If you believe otherwise, tell us why, or don't say anything. As it is, you're contributing nothing.
The death of video games.
I am decidedly underwhelmed by almost every cell phone game I've ever downloaded. I've played Crossy Road, for maybe a couple of sessions, and subsequently found it so insufferably boring and shallow. This is a common theme I experience with most freebie cell phone games.
"Adam Sandler's movies are always great." That alone should get him put on a watch list.
He'd do videos complaining that critics were not in connection with the public because "Adam Sandler's movies are always great, and critics hate them".
There would be nothing worse than setting a game in France and using Quebecois voice talent. That would be like setting a game in Britain and using Southerners as voice talent.
They should have F-Zero ships in there instead imo