Am sure the actual Donald Trump could have done it better as he's the best singer, best piano player, and he would have done it with just the blacks keys
Am sure the actual Donald Trump could have done it better as he's the best singer, best piano player, and he would have done it with just the blacks keys
Great. Now what am I supposed to Jack off to now?
Blame Michael J Fox. Wasn't Biff based on Trump?
Bring back The Cleveland Show
MAD TVs Steven Seagals America will never be the same again
Everyone knows there's a reason that stuff was unreleased
Which is why you never see Trump there
American version was The Duke John Wayne
What's Dave the Roofers business tagline
$125.million? Thought maximum was $124,999,999?
or the late Gary Moore
Simpsons writers moonlight as Nobel judges. Conspiracy ends here
Bring back Dan Aykroyd for Dragnet 2
Trump did it
Knowing the Chinese it probably was Chinese wet cat food
Trumps dick is never still
Dig up Don Pardo
Am wanting to see Archer use the coolest gun ever - Sterling SMG. Why hasn't he used that yet?
Money's on Steve Martin ruining it
Jeselnik summed it up when he introduced his guests on one of his Offensive shows