
Commie Sauce

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You me, THIS will always be Steven Seagals America

When I saw Django Unchained in the cinema, I was thinking throughout it was a Blazing Saddles rip-off. They couldn’t make a film as good today

Terminator Syx : Ice to see you

He’ll be eating more than shit, that smile will soon be wiped off his face

Will lens flares be the new gadget from Q?


That’s what Jobs wants you to believe

Towards the end Steve Jobs did look like Elliot Carver in Tomorrow Never Dies. Maybe Jobs will return

The Lemon Party

Danny Glover and Mel Gibson could be the right age for this shit

Just the kind of trash we’ve come to expect from Kinja. Never had such low brow with good old Disqus

Thanks Obama

More chance of comments going back to Disqus

Never had this problem with Disqus. When they going to bring that back?

This doesn’t feel right. It’s actually slowing my phone down

Thanks Obama

This is all Frank Stallones fault

Yes, kinja has standards

The only information given is will be released over two years time. So, the nightmare is coming true, and the next James Bond will be…