
This nerd at work last week ordered Chinese food and requested”not too spicy” for his orange chicken and I wanted to punch him

The old AVClub would’ve had around 1,000 comments by now. Sad to see things the way they are now.

Now, the messaging platform that hasn’t had a development staff in the last six years—let alone a significant part of the market share

If Lorne really, really wanted to torque that knife he would’ve hired Sean Connery to play Trump.

“The only way Hugh Hefner can get stiff now is through rigor mortis.” —Gilbert Gottfried, 2001

Only if it begins with the deaths of now-celebrated hero cops Wahlberg and Ferrell, leading to the rule that every new movie in the franchise should open by killing the previous film’s lead characters.

If you think the premise of this movie sounds hackneyed and miserable, just wait until they reveal the title: Pak ‘n’ Heat.

Me loved tribute SNL did when he died. They did sketch where Rodney (Darrell Hammond) get to Pearly Gates. St. Peter ask him questions about his life that just transparent setups for classic Dangerfield jokes. Finally he says, “hey, me thought you guys already knew all this stuff about me.” St. Peter says, “oh, we do.

What has 9 arms and totally rocks!?

They won’t be clean unless I can figure out the three seashells!

This is it. This is how Taco Bell will eventually become the only restaurant. “Demolition Man” is coming true.

Nobody does Blue Steel like Daniel Craig.

They haven’t been good since the camp was excised. I hate to say it, but the casual sexism and the cheesy, over-the-top (and also usually casually racist) villains made the series entertaining.

The Golden Shower Girls

yeah, yeah, we all know this already from reading it in the Root and the Splinter. I mean since y’all are all interchangeable now with Kinja.

Same thing happened to me. Basically I did that a billion times, then came back to this post and it’d logged me into my AV Club Disqus account. See if that works? Try an incognito window?

(It does really fuckin’ suck.)