
Ketchup with eggs! !#!!!#!

That's what the bleaching is for

How long before the "leaked" sex tape appears?

Go on I'll bite. What charity you collecting for. Diabetes Digest? Cholesterol Companion?

Purple's a fruit

Too legit

Can't wait to download this one hour after its broadcast.

The little people look down on Tom

You are right, it would be a little mean

Why was there such a gap between the Men In Black movies?
Because they were on a break

I want the Taco Bell secret recipe so can give myself an all night colon party

Killam and Pharaoh could have been the new weekend update

Will someone please give Joe Piscopo a job

This time it's personal

No doubt the stars will be guests on Seth Meyers

Really, no Piscopo again. Just wait til Trump is El Presidente

You're going to have shex with me
Yesh you are

Not as good as old days…blah blah
Joe Piscopo..blah blah
Will Fred Armisen and Maya Ruddolph return if Trump president?
Vote Trump

Was driving through New Jersey and a guy who looks suspiciously like Joe Piscopo was holding a sign saying "WILL WORK FOR FOOD"

Rat boy