Sausages, weiners, footlongs
Sausages, weiners, footlongs
Does Jimmy wear a hat?
so have I, nothing to see
Take it the fat one is Kevin Smith's daughter
Should I be changing my name?
Anal bum covers
you're right, they are too generous
Not as good a sold days….bring back Piscopo…oh look, as a surprise, Seth Meyers has current SNL cast member as a guest…blah blah blah
If he did show on Amazon, he could do the The Man in the Wolfcastle
Will his brother be seeking revenge now?
Oh Good, another five years of SNL hasbeens getting screen time
it's no Lethal Weapon VII
AMERICAN Peanut Butter
And Charlie Sheen
What!!!!!!?????? So I only have 15 animated shows to watch a week instead of 16. That;s so unfair
Cosby Pudding Pops - mmmm rape flavour
Last Tango In Paris II - For The Cash
No, but if you fall asleep drunk, it will rape you
And now Old Billy-bobidy Cosbiditrocious is being tried