
It's gonna be YOOOOGE
Hopefully the Situation will do his stand-up act again



I haven't seen this episode, but Joe Piscopo told me it wasn't as good as it used to be

So, they get your address right at least

News just in, SNL producers complaining that there aren't any black women in this film

News just in, Rupert Murdoch claims they aren't proper black

Neither of which I watch

Just YOU, Bob

Me and Danny lived in neighbouring towns , even though we weren't from there. True, but of no interest

Considered, but felt would overwhelm the film, which he would , he is after all the Bond by which all others couldn't come close to

News just in….Sean Connery not doing cameo in Bond film

He has gone away, just waiting for the rest of his chin to catch up

It's a wrong viewpoint, it's a film that we should all watch this minute and come back in 90 minutes to continue talking about how great it is

Age of consent in Germany is 14, it's the Alabama of Europe

Come on now Bob

Will get Chinese knock-off.

Bill Bailey in Hot Fuzz

You, Bob, can GTFO

Reminds me, need to bad mouth the new episode of SNL online, before I even watch it