
It's never too soon

May I be the first to say that there aren't enough black females on SNL

In your momma

From your momma

Arnie goes back in time to terminate the iceberg, but ends up inside the iceberg and goes blue with the cold

Bad, so bad, even Arnie would turn that one down

The UK already acknowledges that, not that I watch

Kate McKinnon, Amy Poehler, the actual Hillary Clinton are in bed, in walks Darrell Hammond and Bill Clinton.
Will let your imagination take care of the rest


Neck-snapping? Is MADtv's Steven Seagal in it?

So, you're the reason Portlandia is no longer cool, thanks

Kids, do yourselves a favour, sue the parents

No, never, never has, comrade

Presidential candidate race is enough of a joke

Tarantino's next film, Footloose, literally.

Maybe a Franco family show, James, David and of course the Generalissimo himself, Francisco


I approve that you approve

25 years ago, Craig Ferguson had a promo for his UK wide Sunday night sketch show, and his tagline was him with a shotgun and a squirrel saying "watch me or the squirrel gets it"

Romans? What have they ever done for us?