MessO'Espresso is a noodle-bodied sloth

I think it’s your responsibility as a consumer to support a living wage. In the mean time, tip so that these workers can get by.

Actually a lot of waiters have said that.

What’s also out-of-hand is the unwillingness of employers to pay a decent wage. A living wage is how we should phase out tipping, not banning it or whining that it’s “out of control.”

But you still can’t tip using the app?


lol fair

I like EDM but this is shite.

We can be on more than one site lol

wtf is wrong with you?

I agree that selective service should be abolished, but since we’re keeping it, I think we should make it universal until such time that we can abolish the draft.

If you’re a conscientious objector, there are alternatives to military service:

Something tells me no one mistakes Alito for Scalia...

I take your point, but France is also a presidential system with a powerful chief executive elected by the people. They have a shorter campaign in part because of strict laws on campaigning (spending caps, ban on TV ads). I think Mexico has a similar electoral system when it comes to its president.

All for thorough vetting, but we’ve been able to do that in previous elections in shorter timeframes. These days it’s just more entertainment, at least on the GOP side. At this rate, we’ll start presidential primary campaigns during the mid-terms.

Yeah, that’s exactly what she said...

So this is how I imagine the two most despised people in government and business are going to run for the WH:

I wonder what those weird mushroom/table things are made of.

It’s her last week.

I think she’s going to focus more on writing books maybe?

This is her last week.