MessO'Espresso is a noodle-bodied sloth

I love Rob Bricken. I love Charlie Jane even more.

You know what’s not going away? The CharlieJane-sized hole in my heart. :c

Aw, no need to be mean to the old lady!

+1 clean roll of toilet paper for you

Nope. It does not invite you to dox’ing. You come here and post idiotic comments, but that doesn’t give some troll vigilante a right to come harass you and your family.

If you click on the link that you quoted, 37.4 million are from unspecified agents

Which is why we need a living wage and paid sick leave.

Your great aunt is a brilliant poet!

I remember traveling in Europe where some countries still charged for use of toilets at train stations and such. :(

It’s hard to have sympathy for assholes such as you. So what if you put up naked pics online? Who cares? Why the fuck is it anyone’s business? Stop excusing misogyny.

What you are implying here is bad. First you are implying that women and minorities don’t vote because it is too hard (harder than for white men, I guess).

Of course, there are many factors at play. But we need people to go to the polls and vote, and our system makes it pretty damn hard especially for women of color.

Srsly, you become a pundit AFTER you’ve served, not the other way around!

Americans should also make it easier to vote so we can vote for more women and more people of color for state legislatures and Congress.

The Red Pill most certainly is a hate group. Not sure what ZadocPaet is getting at.

I think she also remains a bit oblivious to how people who are not white and wealthy live. I don’t despise her as much as some here do, but I also see how she’s narrowly focused on a certain demographic even when she means well.

Gizmodo’s Kate Knibbs did move to Canada when Bush was elected. She wrote a primer on how to do so, and it’s not easy!

It ain’t cheap to move to another country. You also need to get a visa and/or go through naturalization, both of which require certain skillsets that not all people have access to.

The problem is not that Lena Dunham is the worst (she isn’t), but that she seems to have a blind spot for race like many white Americans (myself included). I think she is getting better, as she has acknowledged that backlash from Girls lacking a diverse cast has led to learning more about intersectional feminism. That

TY for this!