MessO'Espresso is a noodle-bodied sloth

I think Black Widow is an exception at this point. While she has unfortunately not been given her own movie yet - which I think they’d screw up anyways by just diving into her past and showing how scarred she was by it - she is treated basically as an equal in both Winter Soldier and Civil War. Heck, outside Tony

But they gave us hero Pepper! To be reversed and never seen again. *sigh*

I for one got a Jewry Duty letter last week, which is weird because I’m not that religious.

“Jewry.” Did Horowitz learn everything he knows about Jewish people from reading the Elders of Zion? Who talks like this? This screed felt so antiquated that I kept expecting him to drop the term “Jewess.” I knew how racist this country was but this election has really opened my eyes to how anti-Semitic so many

“No worse than it was 20 years ago” is no metric for something that lives literally depend upon.

It’s no worse than it was 20 years ago (when location data wasn’t readily available), but better location data can save lives.

He highlighted the fact that multiple states don’t even have a unified statewide 911 system. This is exactly the sort of shit that shouldn’t be left up to the states in the first place.


1. Were the t-shirts in question “All Cotton”?


LOL—by my count there are exactly two Asian women in that picture; effectively, everyone is white.

The design isn’t even that well done so I don’t know why they were eager to show it off. It’s neither clever nor well-executed.

I am now looking for a gif of an asshole that can’t get out of its own way.


At some point it’s going to be necessary if we continue to progress in automation and still stick with a capitalist system. If a large % of the population has no income, capitalism breaks down.

Absolutely. I will gladly pay more in taxes if it gives everyone healthcare insurance and a basic income.


Dead man switch, the train will emergency brake the moment he lets go of that switch. There is no controlling the train once derailed. For all intents and purposes, leaving the cabin did not in anyway worsen the situation, just as staying would not have improved the situation. So running into the pax cabin probably