MessO'Espresso is a noodle-bodied sloth

I totally did not know that people claimed the Irish were slaves (being part-Irish meself, most likely of indentured servant stock). I also approve of Pictorial taking up not just cool paintings, photos, designs, etc., but also historic issues in general.

Harsh but fair.

Yeah, Trump says anything he wants, and Republicans will vote for him. I just hope that enough right-leaning moderates stay home to keep him out of the White House if he (or Cruz) is the nominee.

He also just said this of Cruz while endorsing him:

I think Trump is a different than prior candidates tho.

I expect them to stand up against Trump. As bad as the GOP has been (and yes it’s all their fault for dog-whistling thru-out Obama’s two terms), Trump is just all sorts of wrong. And while he’s the clear frontrunner, he doesn’t always win majorities in the Republican primaries (which tend to attract extremists in the

Hey now, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves! (But yeah, he’s one of the least bad ones.)

1. I love how so many Republicans are like “Trump will destroy us!” but will support him anyway if he is the nominee.

True, it’s highly unlikely unless there are enough Sanders supporters of the “Never Clinton” camp that will cross over to him. (And that seems very unlikely to me.) The Trump campaign itself with its rhetoric, though, is having a real negative impact on our country, and a nomination that gives him a major stage until

Sorry, I had to get it out of the system.

Did we overindulge on St. Paddy’s Day?

Was it grain?

Digging the b&w as well as the blue one. Also the elaborate hair.

So which one in the pic is the Zodiac Killer tho?


We need the NobleRenard! What is his signal tho?

I’m surprised that there are no Trump staffers who get 6 figures since Politico last year said his chief of staff made $20k a month. But Lewandowski wasn’t listed in the top 5 so maybe he is paid from a different pot of $?

“This is the only process I know of in America where you can be charged with sending emails to friends that were inappropriate and face the death penalty,” said Eakin’s lawyer Bill Costopoulos,

Jezebel main blog has been spurning me forever... :(

He ruins steaks like he ruins America.