
Not only would this be a completely different article and comment section if the genders were reversed but people would also be bitching about how Goth was never a very good actor to begin with and has really fallen off since her debut...  

Over the last few weeks it’s kind of felt like everyone just got bored of this story and let her off the hook. Nice to see some gender equality there, I guess.

Just imagine if the genders were reversed here and how it would look if people were this skeptical of a woman complaining about being assaulted physically and verbally.

Insane tax policies and government subsidizing of the oil industry has lead us to these truck absurdities.

True. Most of these people who buy giant trucks never haul anything. I see it every day even in the mid-west. 

Wonderful.  Ever larger pieces of shit clogging the roadways and putting your safety at risk.  

Just why? 

I’ve made comments here over the years about his reputation and rumors swirling around this known nuisance at conventions and bookstores, I don’t wanna say ITOADYASO but ITOADYASO. Even Mad Lawrence Miles famously sneered something like “‘Gaiman is a stinking parasite who’ll sink to any depths in his quest to make

You are confused, the stance is “Why don’t transphobic bigots just shut the fuck up, regardless of identified gender, race or sexuality”. See much more progressive and to the point.

You ever notice how the TERF-Island Terfery is always focused on “rapists will transition in order to more easily rape people” a thing that normal people would file under “it’s already illegal to rob a bank.” Like if a cis person wants to walk into the wrong bathroom, there won’t be a team of Navy SEALs descending from

Oh that part definitely isn’t. Don’t wanna give the wrong impression.
Trans rights are human rights, Jo can go fuck herself. 

Watching JK Rowling’s journey from someone who had a slightly bad take on trans women and a narrow mindset on women = people who have their periods (which is also not a great take for all the cisgendered women with fertility issues) to an out and out transphobe calling all trans people predatory is one of the most

Every now and again, I hear a new Hunger Games book or movie is coming and I just think “good for Suzanne.”

Everyone should be Suzanne Collins.  Rich, no social media, never a word.

Including all the sex abuse that goes on at the hands of the guards! Female prisoners are under a lot of threats that have nothing to do with trans people, and I wonder how much she’s done for prison reform and prison safety prior to this.

I mean, this is basically radfem 101. Men universally perpetrate violence, women universally suffer violence, and these categories are inviolable and absolute. It’s, uh, not really an ideology that holds up to scrutiny

I’ve never been one of the richest people in history, but why the fuck can’t they just take the W and go Scrooge McDuck in their swimming pool full of money? What compels them to constantly share their stupid fucking opinions?

JKR is hardly the only one to crawl up their own ass this way. Is it like toxoplasmosis,

The thing is, Rowling was perfectly likable before she randomly decided to make “trans people want to rape me in the bathroom” her entire personality.

female prisoners incarcerated with convicted sex offenders”

Or she is just an asshole. Hard to separate out all that