Twitter is the internet’s equivalent of that giant island of plastic straws efloating unchecked in the ocean.
Twitter is the internet’s equivalent of that giant island of plastic straws efloating unchecked in the ocean.
Finally! Someone used Twitter to do exactly what it was created for. Well done, Mr. Fonda!
Feckless Cunt.
To have so much penis behind your “penis slap” that it does harm... I’ll be honest. I’m jealous.
Looks like a “holding back the tears” face. Not such a tough guy after all.
That time he boiled eggs. Damn, The feels.
In this one case, for this one man, can we bringing back the offensive phrase, “Retard.”? I know, I know, it’s terrible. But, if the word fits... Sorry.
Can we open up all the abandoned Walmarts and fill them with these shitty cops? Or do we not have enough empty, shithole Walmarts?
President Donald J. Turd
You didn’t think that our best and brightest are lining up to be police officers, did you? Ignorance appears to be a prerequisite for the job.
Comic calls Cunt a cunt. News at 11.
Angry white man gets angry. News at 11.
American children shot at school. News at 11.
Police captured on video policing unprofessionally. News at 11.
Grandpa behaves inappropriately. News at 11.
I had a drink with her once, post Papa McCain election beating, at random in L.A. Never let on that I knew who she was, treated her like a normal human being, had an intelligent conversation. She behaved like a normal human being.
Same bad traffic. Same Poke shop every block. Same Dole Whip. Same tourists.
You sicken me.
For a much cheaper, but still expensive version of Honolulu, try Los Angeles.
Am I terrible person for thinking - oh well, 10 more red-staters lost, more blue-staters headed to the polls this election season?