“Truly shocking.”
“Truly shocking.”
Sorry, but if Biden wins nomination (Looking like it... yuck), or even the presidency, his actions, his words, his motives, his supporters...will increase the odds of creating the same conditions that lead to somebody like Trump taking advantage of. Add in climate change and Americans dying due to our healthcare and…
Wow, so are we now gonna do to Dr West what we’ve done to Nina Turner? And it’s all being done to promote and justify Joe Biden on the sly? Come on folks!
Ah ok so it’s not because of what I quoted, that’s a different story.
I’m sure her people are architecting her run now.
She. Would. Get. Fucking. Wrecked.
Eh, Trump probably has another 4 more years coming anyhow. He’s got that Ronnie Reagan appeal to voters for some reason.
Damn this fucking blows I hope she runs again in 2024 otherwise we’ll probably end up with the ginger Kennedy.
Yes at some point if we’re going to fix America it’s going to require a white person to force white America to confront their racism and complicity in a system that punishes black and brown people. Black People have moved the needle as much as they could, but now it’s on white people to finish the job.
My favorite part is how his supporters want to blame a few blog posts on The Root for supposedly tanking his campaign 😂😂😂
For me, this is the biggest point. That and, as you mention, how black folks are expected to be the teachers, unpaid teachers on their own time of folks like Pete who, when they end up suffering because they don’t know jumping jack shit about it, turn around and blame -us- for their problems.
My wife and I live in the midwest and make about $120,000 a year. 4% is about $400 dollars a month. We are a family of 4. So that $100 dollars per person. Sign me the fuck up. That is so much cheaper then what we pay now plus it covers everything and I don’t have to pay a co pay or another medical bill again. Please…
Fiscal Conservatism only applies to things you don’t want to pay for.
Thank you. It’s like liberals believe Fox News hyperbole more than actual Fox News fans.
Who starts a negotiation with a compromise?
This is what I tell people who are worried about progressive Dems in the race.
TAX THE RICH. Tax them a LOT.
What a massive brainwashing. Nobody stops to question where the money will come from when it comes to fighting endless wars for profit, giving trillion dollars tax breaks to the elites, or subsidizing some of the most powerful industries.