
I don’t have to answer your question, you self-absorbed putz. This is the internet, not Zaphas-R-Us. I see the video differently from you, but even if i did, i’d still say these are shitty, ill trained, poorly prepared, fucking terrible police officers. Consider for a moment what led up to this murder. A man standing

When did the pussification of America’s police happen?

Anyone with the most basic moral compass knows any police offer shooting a man incapable of coherent reaction is un-fucking-qualified to enforce the law. They shot a clearly unresponsive, mentally ill person SIXTEEN times. That’s murder. Murder by sheer incompetence. Especially when you’re the one enforcing law and

Mentally ill people who don’t follow orders... hmmm.... yeah... let’s shoot them 16 times. SIXTEEN FUCKING TIMES. You sound like a fucking Nazi twit, you pussy-apologist.

Anyone hired to “serve and protect” that can’t handle a situation with out pulling their gun first is a PUSSY and a coward, and yes, a murderer. Does human life mean so little to you, and to those paid to protect it?

Another video of a bunch of pussies acting like cowards, committing murder.

Work on your consistency or see a professional about your split personality.


You’re a disgrace. Fuck off, loser.

On my knees praying to Jebus now. Please Lerd, make this storm track straight into the Polk County Jail, back out to sea to gather strength, then straight into Mar-A-Lago. Please, Jebus, please. Thank you, Jebus.

She did. She could have and should have won straight up. She and a DWS led DNC chose to run shady. Your candidate won the primaries. No one’s disputing that. You can either seek to mend fences or keep building walls of blame. You can listen and learn something or like I keep repeating - pick her or someone like her

I live in California and I voted for whoever the fuck I wanted to vote for, ignorant jizz-bucket. If you want someone’s vote : FUCKING EARN IT.

The ignorant fucking moron is you. I’m not a fucking Republican, you stupid, shit eating, self-absorbed twat.

No. It doesn’t. It never has. The majority of Americans identify as independents, nitwit.

Being a Sanders voter doesn’t make you a Democrat. Every vote is earned. Hillbots got the President they deserved, Trump. Take some responsibility for your shit candidate, you whiny, sellout motherfuckers.

That cop deserves a good anal prison rape. Fuck him. Fuck Salt Lake City.

And? So?

If everyone refuses to answer, they’ll have to stop asking this stupid fucking question.


When tornado season fires up this year and hits the trailer parks, Trumps popularity will be knocked down to what? 20%? 10%?