Nitwit, we agree. 100%. Thank you for finally expressing yourself coherently.
Nitwit, we agree. 100%. Thank you for finally expressing yourself coherently.
Is it safe to assume that who you found “likable” couldn’t even win her own demographic? Who you “like” has nothing to do with electability.
Keeping thinking this way. Progressive voters won’t back your shitty candidate in 2020 either.
Tulsi Gabbard is one of many groomed by Bernie, you know-nothing dipshit.
Liz Warren was many folks first choice. Bernie was the backup plan.
Hillary was a sham.
Tulsi Gabbard. - a woman, a minority, a veteran, and a total badass with a solid fuck-you attitude.
And yet, recent polling showed one person in politics less likable than Trump. Her name is Hillary. Own it.
All of these anti-Bernie stories forget one important fact: Elections are won in the middle, among the independents. The old Reagan Democrat show. Bill understood this. Hillary didn’t. Trump understood this. Bernie understood this.
Yes. As a candidate Bill was everything Bernie wasn’t. He was also everything Hillary wasn’t.
You and those like you are the problem. When it comes to critical thought about Hillary, you have none. Blind leading the blind.
You are such a whiny shitshow. I doubt you even understand your own blathering.
Your shit is weak.
Go ahead, hitch your horse back to the DNC’s candidate in 2020. They lost WHITE WOMEN to Trump. Are you fucking kidding me? You fucktard snowflake twats are still crying because your shitty, no message candidate, Hillary Clinton lost to the biggest Turd in American history. Own that shit, losers.
Beats sucking Hillary’s cock. There’s a lot of that going on around here.
As trends go, Tiny houses are Big horseshit.
No one’s saying Trump and Clinton are the same. We’re saying Clinton was a shitty candidate, hated by many independents, and didn’t earn our motherfucking votes. Clinton lost of her own accord. We’d respect her and her blind followers like you if y’all simply owned your failed candidacy for what it is: a FAILURE.