
Does Hillary have any soul left to sell to get those billions?

If you’re so right, run Hillary again in 2020. Please. Do it. I’ll be looking forward to more of your horse shit excuses for backing a loser.

Agreed., but if he spent the rest of his days shitting into a bag, I wouldn’t be too upset.

Best news I’ve heard all week.

Fuck America.

The jurors should be given the same treatment as Philando Castile.

Editor’s note: Video contains graphic footage of a FUCKING MURDER that some may find upsetting.

Where’s a gawddamned Trump spawn when you need an antelope righteously shot in cold blood?

President Turd is always in the shit.

Or we could have voted for the guy who always polled a winner: Bernie.

4. Don’t lie, cheat, and steal your way through an election.

2008. I knew she was toast before she even started in ‘16. Born to Lose.

The turd doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Boo hoo. These “cops” behaved like clowns, not police officers. If you’re man enough to shoot a boy, you shouldn’t be crying.

When did police become such pussies?

I’ve had enough of Republican-lite, Corporatist Democrats like Feinstein. The old bag needs to go. Now.

Good. She’s getting exactly what she deserves. When Trump butchers health care, I’ll be praying to Black Jesus that she gets the cancer.

And that’s your fault for throwing away your primary vote on a guaranteed loser.

Trump’s non-stop drilling of deplorable horseshit seemed to work out just fine for him. Hillary’s deer-in-the-headlights approach left her right where she belongs: political roadkill.

Sure, she may be unjustly hated, but she ran a simply TERRIBLE campaign. For fucksake, she went to Arizona thinking she could win that godforsaken shithole of sand! She had no clue what it took to win Middle ‘Merica’s vote. Nada. Clueless. She fucked us all with her shortsightedness, her ego, and her lack of skill in