
When I first saw the picture I thought it was Kylie Jenner

I feel like he’s trying really hard to tweet his way to my heart and I need to be wary of him, like he is advertising himself to me. Im not buying what you're selling me Ryan Reynolds.

Anybody besides me remember when the 70s came back in the 90s briefly? It looked exactly like this. So this is basically the 90s version of the 70s come back to haunt us all.

So, when I was in kindergarten, I wasn’t allowed to carry an umbrella on the bus.

On my first day of Kindergarten our teacher was singing “Do Your Ears Hang Low” and I said “No, that’s not how it goes! It’s do your BOOBS hang low!” Only later when I told my mom and she laughed did I realize that she had taught me the wrong version. She loves to tell this story to anyone who will listen.

Well there goes my idea for a business that turns dead cat parts into bespoke sex toys. I had an Etsy store set up and everything.

Don't worry Matthew, Jenny McCarthy is coming to save you.

You HAVE to watch What We Do in the Shadows! A NZ vampire mockumentary made by Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords. Very original and funny.

“I hope you’re not joking” “Is it really in there?” “Why did you make it?”. I appreciate this kid’s healthy cynicism and wish to subscribe to his newsletter.

I wonder what Tino thinks about this?

And explain this to him:

I think she does give a fuck otherwise she wouldn’t do so much stupid shit to get people’s attention.

Man, while I not typically a fan of the token Republican talking head, I remember I was so impressed by her the few times I watched the show. It was a sigh of relief like... “Ahhhhh, the conservative isn’t crazy, has journalistic credentials, and seems smart” What a loss!! This show is spiraling down the toilet.

she told Glamour that Julie Bowen knew and was very supportive of her decision.

Still with the photos before the description :(

(Repost cause this is important):

I will never forgive the person that started the Starbucks secret menu website. It made my time there hell. I had so many people look at me like I was an idiot when I didn’t know what went in a banana split frappicino or a birthday cake one. No. Stop. Order off the damn menu that already has like 50 options and stop


Discovered that a fellow camper was my long-lost twin sister.

That sentence (and the entire article really) is just addressing the confusion some people feel over why people who “have it all” would choose to end their own lives. That confusion is out there, regardless of whether you feel it, and it isn’t entirely unreasonable. I think it’s an important idea to tackle. And by the