
If only she had used “you’re” instead of “your.”

I am a bit phobic about air travel. I’m the spazzy person who white knuckles the arm rest and goes into meditative breathing anytime the captain mentions it’s time to buckle up because we have some turbulence ahead. But twice now I have been seated next to the only person on the plane who was more afraid to fly than I

But this armadillo just wants to snuggle WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID MY NOSE JUST FALL OFF MY FACE

Exactly, his camera floated to the surface and that’s how we have this pic.

A relationship borne out of infidelity has pretty high odds of not lasting. Why? If they are willing to cheat with you, they are willing to cheat on you.

10,000 Xanax? One for each Maniac.

Is there a Kenny Rogers Roaster chicken joint outside your window or what?

Although Sonja responding “Shit happens” when someone claimed Luann’s hookup was married was golden. Almost made up for Bethenny’s absence. Sonja is amazing when she’s not the one who’s “in trouble.”

Why the eagerness to hold Joan and Cherie responsible for a brutal rape? They were there or they weren’t, and if they were there I certainly hope they didn’t tease Jackie about it. But even if they did, the criminal is the rapist. I fully understand Jackie being hurt and holding a grudge if it all went down as she

That’s so funny! My cousin’s husband’s brother just made $5,000 in one hour working from home for Google!

Nothing will ever meet the madness of The Dress. My husband straight-up called me a liar over that shit.

Clearly the one on the right. If you disagree you are WRONG WRONG WRONG

Grammar Nazi vocab pro-tip, Angel:

She’s also wearing David Byrne’s suit from “Stop Making Sense.”

Might invulva lotta work.

I think that people don’t usually snoop around unless something feels weird and they are trying to find evidence to support that feeling. Did something feel off to you? Regardless, you found evidence. Run. What is the point in lying about a 5 year age difference? There is no point. People who do that lie for fun. RUN

This is two weeks in a row without a pissing contest post! I am having withdrawl!

Don’t laugh at the stock photo of that child. My own daughter was recently diagnosed with shutterstock. She has watermarks all over her face and body, and she refuses to go outdoors.

I had a different take on Sonjna. To me it didn’t really seem like she got backbone but that she was manipulated by Dorinda into exploding to deflect from people calling her out on drinking too much. It just made get look weaker and crazier rather than like a strong woman with backbone.

I was really stressing out yesterday over whether it was ok to take three Aleve in the span of 24 hours (muscle tears in your lumbar area are no joke, Jezzies) because I don't want to destroy my liver, but then I remembered that LiLo has already lived to 29 years of age and I decided it would probably be okay.