Sarah J

Or you could tell her that it is where you keep your gun locked up and that guns are for killing and you own that gun for shooting people dead. And that dead people are dead forever. Then you could teach her some actual gun safety in case she ever stumbles across your firearm.

Just riffing here.

You know whose opinion on this topic I give zero fucks about? Yours.

I feel like the answer here is that people don't want to use gun safes or gun locks is because they think having a loaded gun around is for home protection and having to remove a gun from a safe or unlock and load the gun reduces the home protection aspect of having a gun in the house. Personally I think they're wrong

"The state will assemble a child fatality review board to determine whether the parents should be charged with a crime."

Whenever this happens* I always think about the kid who pulled the trigger. How do you deal with that as you grow older? (Or in the immediate aftermath AND as you grow older for older children.)

We bought a bio-locking safe for the gun I keep for home defense. It can only be opened with my fingerprint. Hopefully, my kid will never even see the safe. But if she does, I'm going to tell her that it's a trap for the souls of little children to be transported to the Containment Unit, where they don't get any toys

so, mom lied about it being a paintball accident, are we sure she's not Lyon about the five year old being the one who pulled the trigger?

This guy takes celebrity dolls and repaints the faces so that they actually resemble them.

"hey, kids! Don't pay attention to THOSE beauty standarss! Pay attention to THESE beauty standards instead! Don't dress like a slut; you'll be prettier if you dress like a Mormon!

:( This. I am a huge original bratz defender, and it's true - Bratz make a lot of adults uncomfortable because THEY project their own versions of hypersexualization on the dolls while kids do not. There were some terrible PR choices made of course - the "naughty/nice" babyz was clearly a bad idea. I will say

I don't know, I have a hard time getting outraged over them. Adults think they're inappropriate, but little girls don't know what porn is (ideally). They're interested in the glittery clothes and long hair, and they probably don't think "I want to dress like that!" or "Why isn't my head four times the circumference of

The ones on the left look like porn stars, the ones on the right have the faraway look of a person who is dead inside. The ones on the right look more likely to murder me in my sleep.

I get that most Barbie-type dolls are meant more for aspirational role-playing "like grownups!" type stuff and aren't meant to be a direct representation of their target market at their current age. And I love glitter and makeup and crazy clothes too! But holy hell these things look trashy.

We also just have a higher tolerance for pain than men do. When you get cramps and bleed once a month just because your body is working properly, and/or after you pass a 9-lb human through an opening the size of a drinking-straw, you fucking scoff at a little muscle soreness or a scraped knee.

1) as a former 5th grader on a girls basketball team, we never cried when we lost. To be fair, we rarely lost, but still, even when I was younger and on losing c0-ed soccer teams, we didn't cry when we lost.

This post made me happy :)

The entire thing is gold!

Little do they suspect that once puberty hits, those boys will all gain superpowers. Puberty gives boys the ability to juggle semi-trucks with their testicles, and fire lasers from their mouths, thus improving their basketball ability beyond the reach of girls, who upon puberty only gain boobs.

Yes, an excuse to post these! *does happy dance*

they make such sloppy passes