That these people took this remark as a disamplification of women’s genre fiction or whatever is hugely indicative of their egos. There’s plenty of value in YA fiction. There is no reason adults can’t or shouldn’t read it. However I don’t think there’s much place for it as a book to spark discussion and critical…
I don’t buy that explanation.
The comments on the original Jez article were a shameful cesspool of white feminism. SO many Jezzies were defending these white female authors piling on a grad student for suggesting that Dessen’s milquetoast YA novels may not have been the best choice for collegiate readers and that a book about discrimination in the…
I don’t want to be angry, I want shitty people to be held accountable for their words and actions. It does nothing to alleviate the abuse that Brooke Nelson has suffered the last few days, and she didn’t even ask her fans to stop harassing her. It was a half-assed apology, she never admits what she did was wrong, just…
In this case, I don’t think not naming the person is another slight. It’s an easily searchable name, but even an apologize is an amplification for someone who doesn’t want a larger profile. Not naming them again is a considerate action here.
Roxane Gay and NK Jemisin, to name two non-white women with privelege, were part of the pile on. The ingroup here is successful published authors.
Hey, Brooke Nelson, I’ve got an idea for your dissertation and it’s a doozy!
Right? This sounds like her publisher was standing over her shoulder with a ruler rapping her knuckles.
I haven’t read any books by Dessen or any of the female YA authors listed. Now I will never read their books. Congrats ladies. Who’s the “fucking bitch” now?
“Writers are actual people you guys!”
In my experience, mean girls are mean girls for life.
“Nelson, who is now a graduate student in linguistics studying online harassment”
“I want to apologize to the person”
I want to apologize to the person who was quoted
Yes, its good when prominent authors get together to attack a no name grad student because they can’t take criticism, actually.
“It’s hard to know what’s sadder: that Brooke Nelson has internalized misogyny to the extent that she can see nothing of worth in books beloved by “teen girls” but is presumably impressed with the merits of a book centered around video game culture that is beloved by teenage boy”
Ready Player…
“A bad and stupid thing happened once, therefore bad and stupid things should keep happening” is a weird take.
This college should be absolutely horrifically and horribly ashamed of itself for using Ready Player One as it’s Common Read book. Demanding they repeat that mistake with a similar book strikes me as a…
Are Sarah Dessen’s books written for teen readers? If so, they may well not be at the level one would want for the edification of college readers. It seemed to me that was Ms. Nelson’s point. Some/many of the responses to Ms. Nelson seemed to be saying that she was saying that stories about girls aren’t worthwhile. I…