Sarah J

Ug, I know a lot of people disagree with this, but I'd really like to just delete the word bully from existence. It's far too ambiguous a term which oftentimes confuses issues. We already have terms and legal repercussions for all the things that are included under the umbrella term of "bully."

I think what's worse is she's blaming the girl for committing suicide. She thinks "oh, someone made fun of her for being a hussy and wrote her name on the bathroom stalls, boo-hoo" and honestly thinks that's all that happened (or can only let herself think that's what happened) and not the systematic torment that

I know "revenge" doesn't solve anything, and I know that it wouldn't fix anything (Rehtaeh is not coming back), but I really, really, REALLY want these two little fuckers to have their names released.

it makes me wonder how many other Rehteahs there are out there who haven't committed suicide and therefore their stories aren't so high profile. Didn't the police only start a real investigation once she died? Is that what it takes to be taken seriously? "Yeah yeah, we'll look into it once we realize how traumatizing

Ugh. I remember when I was in high school (I graduated in 08) a lot of scandal about a particular guy taking pictures of or recoding a girl during sex. I think she was maybe pressing charges against him? I'm not really sure of the details anymore, but I do seem to recall my friend group at least thinking it was

The fucking sad thing is that unless parents actively work to counteract the influence of rape culture in their own homes (which clearly didn't happen in this young man's household, as his parents are STILL making excuses for him and for themselves), rape culture will do its work to teach kids like him that this

As I read I couldn't decide if the kid or the mom pissed me off more. Then I got to this;

During his sentencing, as the National Post's Christie Blatchford notes, the teen said that Parsons' eventual death had nothing to do with his actions, telling the court, "I will not live with the guilt of someone passing away, but I will live with the guilt of sending the picture."

"I will say that I always believed Rehtaeh would make an imprint on this world. I just never imagined it would be at such a young age and it would cost her her life."

Speaking of vomiting... Are we really supposed to believe that this kid saw Rehtaeh vomiting out a window and believed her to be capable of consenting to sex? What? Who would think "I know she just threw up from alcohol, but she's not stopping me so she must be into it?"

"Name me a teenager who didn't make mistakes."

Just the fact that he would say that speaks to something lacking in his brain, you know? She threw up out a fucking window and this kid is trying to say they were in the groove? What the fuck is a groove to him? It's sooo belittling and dismissive and just fucking gross. So gross.

"I will not live with the guilt of someone passing away."

Until those two boys kill themselves, the scale is not balanced.



No, asshat, you didn't "bully" her. You raped her. Much worse. My heart flips over every time I see her picture.

How do you admit that you distributed the picture, but think that wasn't bullying and would have no effect on her? The cognitive dissonance there astounds me. And of course the interviewer is all too happy to promote it.

"Police say they don't have enough evidence to charge. They also waited ten months to investigate."

"We were in the groove." I want to vomit.