Sarah J

You know what's going to happen now, right? The Vatican is going to be covered in glitter, pink pillows, tampons, tutus, and potpourri now. There's going to be a giant sign that says "NO BOYZ ALLOWED" affixed to the front door with a maxipad.

If radical feminism had really infiltrated your church there would be no women in it. Your beef is with moderate feminism; the one that often seeks reconciliation between feminist ideals and existing institutions by encouraging and advocating for women to take a more active role in them.

You have to love this logic. The Catholic Church is controlled and run by men, administered by men and only allow men leadership positions but women are the blame for men not filling the pews on Sunday because a few women teach 6 year olds about God at a weekly class.

The introduction of girl servers also led many boys to abandon altar service.

Yeah, criticizing masturbation is totally gonna get more dudes in the pews. Totally.

Ladies! Is there anything we can't ruin? *high fives*

The introduction of girl servers also led many boys to abandon altar service. Young boys don't want to do things with girls. It's just natural. The girls were also very good at altar service. So many boys drifted away over time. I want to emphasize that the practice of having exclusively boys as altar servers has

There's a lot of bullshit to unpack here, or really just to leave as is as it's patently bullshit and bullshit that we've heard bullshitted to us a thousand times over, from different bullshit people with different bullshit words. We know it's bullshit because it's old school bullshit from an old school Bullshit

I agree. The church needs to get back to the good old fashioned traditional ways where women were women and the men wore lovely, elegant gowns and elaborate hats.

Isn't that a double standard in itself, though? The fact that in the absence of affordable childcare, mothers are expected to take on that childcare themselves while fathers continue on their previous career trajectories? If men and women were equally burdened with childcare I'd say you have a point.

I want to track these fuckers down and give them a piece of my mind...

Dibs is the fucking worst. Yeah, it sucks to spend all the time digging your car out and then finding someone else's car in it after you did all the work for them, but it's a public street and public parking. If you want your own private parking spot, you are welcome to rent or buy one.

There are ways.

He'll turn into an MRA screaming about women who have babies and suddenly want child support from him. ...But then he'll never actually request custody himself. ...and then he'll complain the courts favor women. ...and then he'll get another woman pregnant and she won't want his kid and then he'll scream that men have

Yup. And you know the minute that kid needs anything more than a birthday card he's gonna be all . . .

Don't you also love men who call women "gals"?

"I conceded to an abortion," says Shane Idleman, the pastor of a church called Westside Christian Fellowship. "Even as a pastor, that deicision still haunts me today. What would they look like? Would it be a boy? Would it be a girl? Their first step, saying 'daddy.' But those are just dreams, dreams that often haunt

I am very happy that all these men are now celibate until they are legally wed.

"she got pregnant. I had an abortion."