Sarah J

How awesome would it be if during the Rapture Jesus comes down and takes only the gay people and their supporters to heaven while flipping off everyone else? I like to think something like that will happen.

It's funny too, because the same part of the Bible (Leviticus) that condemns homosexual behaviour also contains a passage that specifically condemns tattoos - and yet I doubt the good Pastor here would have interrupted the service of an otherwise-faithful heterosexual tattooed person with such zeal. Nor does it seem

At this point in time, I just have the image bookmarked as a reply anytime anyone tries to use Jesus to justify their own bigotry.

Adding insult to injury, the church has reportedly not reimbursed the family for the cost of the funeral.

That whole "love thy neighbor" thing? You're doing it wrong.

Fuck these idiots.

We'll take the drug dealers, the gangbangers, the wife beaters, drunks, and adulterers. But ladysex, that's unforgivable.

I am so happy I am an only child.

I tried to fire my sister from my first wedding, but my parents wouldn't let me. She was a nightmare and complained about EVERYTHING, from the dresses (which she didn't pay for and I didn't even get to pick out thanks to our psycho mother) to the fact I allowed children to attend the wedding (our out-of-town cousin's

My sister in law called me up before my wedding to her brother and asked me to explain what right we thought we had to get married in a church. Told her I wasn't going to have that talk then kicked her out of the wedding party. Good decision.

My father was kind of a loose cannon when he got back from WWII (he liked to drink - a lot). His sister wanted to present herself and her family as society types, so she had him institutionalized for a month to keep him out of the way until the wedding was safely over and done with. That family was the epitome of

My sister had a very close guy friend who she had previously dated years and years before. When he got engaged, he asked her to be in the wedding and she very excitedly accepted. It was only AFTER she bought the bridesmaid's dress that his fiancee told her she didn't want her in the bridal party after all. My sister

If someone wants to kick me out of their wedding party, I'm totally fine with it so long as I haven't already bought a dress. If I bought the dress, I'm wearing it to the wedding or you're buying it back from me. Them's the breaks.

I have this same dilemma: how do we upgrade when the gold 3DS XL is just so goddamn awesome?

Wow, so that whole "Your rape baby is actually a gift from god" argument isn't holding up? Whodda thunk it?

The rapists are already out of jail. That's how long it's taken for any action to be taken against the superintendent.

I CANNOT believe that not only is he getting out of this very close to unscathed, but he was also on PAID LEAVE. This guy protected rapists because of football, and more than likely he KNEW they were rapists (not just didn't believe her, there were videos and he probably saw them). I just can't with the world. I wish