Sarah J

That is a seriously smug face.

I know when my husband comes home after his whirlwind business trips in foreign countries, the first thing he does is open up the Facebook and comment about the attractiveness of potential rape victims. All the time. It's just what you do in that situation.

She was also a child when she filmed with him so her interactions were probably vastly different.

Your comment makes absolutely no sense; she wasn't asked about the allegations because she's black, she was asked about them because she has a history with him (you are aware that she had a long-term working relationship with Cosby during part of the time that some of the alleged incidents took place, are you not?)

She probably calls him Mr Cosby b/c she was so little when she knew him first, even though they worked together for years. I'm 43 and there are very good friends of my parents that I still call Mr/Mrs becaue that's how I grew up with them. It's just habit.

I'm assuming this is her way of being all "DON'T DRAG ME INTO THIS I'M NOT PART OF THIS." I don't know if she said this in the best way, but at the same time, I so don't blame her for not wanting to be part of this. Hell, even if she was one of his victims, she would still have the right to not want to be part of

As much as I hate Cosby, she is right. In her world this is how it exists. She is taking a very diplomatic approach to it. I still think he is fucking giant turd but I also did not know him. I just know rapists are fucking disgusting.

All these haters of gay marriage are on the wrong side of history, and probably shat themsevles when interracial marriage was allowed.

It was a states' rights issue for Jeb until his state approved gay marriage; it then suddenly became an issue of the will of the counties.

I'm determined not to let anything get me down today, so I'm just focusing on how cute it is that all these couples are so adorably matchy.

Oh, c'mon.. you never go full Romney!

So basically someone is playing the primary game— expect to see Jeb push further and further into the whackadoodle right as the primary heats up. I expect a full-Romney by the time 2016 rolls around and to ignore all of his history in favor of appeasing the Teanuts.

We used to have this thing called reading, which would have led to this issue being addressed and this comment being unnecessary.

And let's be clear: the same people who enacted these restrictions to promote the "culture of life" are also working to cut food stamp spending and other assistance for lower income people, a majority of whom are actual, living children. Because they care oh so much.

You know what? I'm so glad I've been lectured all weekend about how religion has no negative affect on people's lives because I might otherwise think that there is a link here.

This is exactly why we can never get complacent with any social justice victories. It's been how many years since Roe v Wade and this is still such a big problem. How many years since Voting Rights Act and states are still enacting all kind of bullshit laws to make it harder to vote. ALWAYS KEEP FIGHTING. Never ever

"I like my government so small it fits in a woman's uterus."

This will probably remain in the greys which is a shame but I will type it anyway as it needs to be said. Rape should not be handled by any local police forces, it should be a federal crime. The FBI should be the one investigating rape cases for the following reason:

1) The FBI has access to better quality labs, which

Although rape kit testing is notoriously expensive—costing between $500 and $1500 per...

This is an extremely expensive endeavor," requiring "additional investigators, additional court personnel, prosecutors...advocates and counselors to help people who are reopening old wounds.